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"Busy? I'm not busy right now" Jun told Eunwoo

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"Busy? I'm not busy right now" Jun told Eunwoo. "Why?" He asked.
"Oh you know I was bored and I wanted to see if you wanted to come hangout with me" Eunwoo told him. "Just the leaders" Eunwoo chuckled.
"Sure I'm down I have nothing better to do anyways" Jun told him.
"Great! I'll meet you at your place in a few minutes" Eunwoo told him.
"Ok sounds good!" Jun said to him as Eunwoo hanged up the phone.

Jun smiled to himself. He's happy someone asked him to hangout he's been so stressed lately and he needed time to just relax.

He walked out of his office and waiting for Eunwoo's text saying he's there.
He finally got a text and went to let Eunwoo in.

"It's been awhile" Eunwoo said.
"What do you mean we saw each other 2 days ago" Jun told him.
"No it's been awhile since we just hanged out like normal people" Eunwoo explained. "None of that business shit just two friends hanging out together" Eunwoo said.

Jun chuckled.

"Yeah I guess it have been awhile" Jun said. "Ok we're heading out Donghun you're in charge while I'm gone!" Jun told the others as they left.

They walked around the street for a bit.

"So what should we do?" Jun asked.
"How about we get some ice cream!" Eunwoo suggested.
"Sure" Jun said as they ran to the tiny ice cream shop.

They both got their favourite ice cream flavour and started enjoying it.

They enjoyed their time together. These were the times they could forget all their stress and responsibilities and just have fun together like normal people.

They both had pretty bad childhoods that they would like to forget and it was times like these that they could use to experience a normal childhood.

They went to the park to hangout in the quiet area. It was getting dark out so not a lot of people was out. They were both just lightly swinging back and forth on the swings.

"Eunwoo" Jun said as he looked at Eunwoo.
"What is it?" Eunwoo asked as he looked at Jun.
"Thank you" Jun told him.
"For what?" Eunwoo asked.
"For everything, how you asked me to hangout with you, how you treat me like a normal person, how you help me out when I'm struggling." Jun paused. "And how you helped me get over of what happened in my childhood" Jun told him.

Eunwoo smiled.

"You really shouldn't be thanking me you should be thanking yourself for letting me into your life." Eunwoo told him. "I should be thanking you honestly" Eunwoo chuckled.

They sat in silence with each other's presence warming their hearts. If anyone saw them they wouldn't think they were dangerous mafia leaders.

When it got really dark they finally decided to part ways and go back to their homes.

This was soft because I was listening to soft music while writing this and also we need soft things in life

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This was soft because I was listening to soft music while writing this and also we need soft things in life.
I did not read over it *surprise surprise*

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