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his heart was beating out his chest, breath ragged and vision blurred. the waves clashed against the shore in a calming manner. it sang to him like the pain he felt in his chest, it sang about his loss, his sorrow and loneliness. but he couldn't hear it, he was drowning in his ocean of tears, of depression and anger.

he looked towards the sky. the full moon cast a beautiful light on his surroundings, reflecting itself in the tears that silently fell down the boys cheeks. how could he ever be the same? how could he ever let himself live again?

it had already been a whole month since he passed away. yoongi couldn't believe it. it felt as only a second had gone by, yet also an eternity. it was such a weird feeling. it was like his whole world had stopped spinning the minute his best friend had breathed his last breath, yet it was like it only picked up speed. everything had turned upside down.

he was no longer the smiling yoongi who everyone loved.

no, that side of him disappeared along with his best friend. he would never see him again, never in his whole life, and he felt as if his heart had been ripped out of his chest and cut into pieces.

it would never be whole again. he would never be whole again. he was left empty on a beach, eyes only seeing the waves in front of him.

he never liked the ocean, but his beloved did when he was alive, so he had made a promise to himself to visit it every night. he had to. it was the least he could do.

everything was so quiet on the dark beach. even the waves sang quietly, trying their best not to disturb the already broken boy.

it pained him that he never got to see his smile again, hear his voice again, hear him laugh again. it pained him that he would never see him play around in the waves again while yoongi sat in the sand and laughed at him. oh how he wished he had went with him. he wished for so many things, regretted so many things. he should have been there, he should have known.

he could have saved him.

he should have saved him.

it was all his fault.


hello. this is going to be the only author's note in this book.

i just want to say, thank you for reading. this book is my way of expressing myself, and i have worked very hard on it. i hope you're all doing well, and if you aren't then my dm's are always open (:

thank you, i love you.

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