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it was a quiet saturday, yoongi was laying in his bed, daydreaming of hoseok with a content smile on his face. he was getting much better, it was now 8 months since his beloved took his life. it was still hard, he still cried every time he visited the beach, but a foreign feeling had made its way to his heart.

he felt happiness.

not constantly, but in small moments. it was a new feeling to him, but he welcomed it with open arms.

he wished taehyung could've met hoseok, so he could have seen what a wonderful person he is. and he wished hoseok could've met taehyung.

but life sadly doesn't always go your way, and yoongi had learnt that the hard way.

the doorbell rang, snapping him out of his daydream. he opened his eyes, pictures of a brunette boy and blue haired male vanishing like a drop in the ocean. he walked downstairs in his hoodie and shorts, not really caring about how he looked at the moment.

he was utterly surprised to see who was on the other side of the door.

taehyung's parents, standing there with sad eyes, but kind smiles. yoongi furrowed his brows a them. he hadn't talked to them since taehyung's funeral, too much for any of them to be reminded of their loss.

but he invited them inside and asked if they wanted anything to drink. they kindly declined.

"yoongi dear, the reason we're here is because we have something for you. something from taehyung." the blue haired male's mom said. they all felt a pang of sadness in their hearts at the mention of his name, you could see it in their eyes.

"and we also want to apologize for never reaching out to you. we know it must have been devastating for you to be alone with all this. we're so sorry." it was now the dad who spoke, with sorrowful eyes. yoongi almost teared up at the apology. tae's family had once been his second home, but that vanished too along with his life.

yoongi only nodded and muttered a small "it's okay, we both lost something." which made them all tear up. they gave him a piece of paper with taehyung's handwriting.

to my best friend yoongi.

yoongi almost let the tears escape at the sight of his handwriting, at the feeling of something that taehyung once had held in his hands.

he said goodbye to mr and mrs kim, and shut the door after them with a shaky breath and teary eyes.

he had left something for him after all.

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