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hello. this is the author (:

this story is very dear to me. thank you for reading. i wrote this all the way back in december when life was feeling rather tough (:

i just wanna say, i do in no way advertise suicide, it is never the right answer to your problems. if you're going through something, reach out to people. please.

you should never be alone with thoughts like that.

i will put a link to different suicide lines below.

i hope you remember to take care of yourself and remember how important you are.


i also wanna say, i put a little easter egg in each chapter; the dots and lines i put in the beginning of each chapter. it's morse code letters that you can translate to a real sentence :)

so it's a little code for y'all.


i hope you're all doing well and remember no matter how hard life is right now, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

go to this webside if you wanna know the international suicide lines:


i love you, goodbye <3

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