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after the poor boy had calmed down, the two boys had seated themselves on yoongi's couch, yoongi sitting in hoseok's lap.

"i need to show you something." the small boy said. his eyes were glossy, lips swollen and cheeks rosy. hoseok only nodded as they stood up and left the house.

hoseok let yoongi lead the way to wherever they were going, completely trusting the male. they walked in comfortable silence all the way to the beach, a place yoongi never considered taking anybody else, but he needed hoseok to be there. he needed him so deeply.

they sat down in the sand at yoongi's usual spot, yoongi between hoseok's legs leaning against his chest. he felt safe.

the moon boy looked towards the sea, hoping to get a glimpse of the boy he seeked, and he did. he saw him smiling at him in the gleaming moonlight, and he smiled back, pearly tears rolling down his rosy cheeks.

"you ready?" hoseok asked, planting a soft kiss on the crown of the small boys head. he leaned into the touch, basking in the feeling of the affection hoseok gave him.

"yeah.." he whispered, folding out the piece of paper that held taehyung's last words for him.

his tears spilled over and hoseok patted his hair and continued giving him small pecks.

my dearest yoongi, my dearest friend.

by the time you read this, i will already be gone forever.

i'm so incredibly sorry for doing this to you, but you have to understand that i saw no other way out. i was in deep pain mentally, i couldn't take it any longer. i hated myself, i hated my life. i couldn't live any longer.

but i need you to know that you're the reason i stayed alive this long. you had nothing to do with my death. none of this is your fault. it is nobody's fault but my own really. and i know you blame yourself, but don't. don't blame yourself my sweet winter bear. you made me the happiest.

i couldn't have asked for a better friend, a better partner in crime. you were the person i always went to when i needed to cry or laugh. you were my only light in the dark night, but the water was too deep for me to swim, and i had to drown in the waves. you have to understand that this was the best decision for me, and i urge you to never do the same.

you need to live your life, without me.

i love you so much and i'm so thankful to have you as my best friend.

tell my parents that i love them and that they shouldn't blame themselves - they didn't and couldn't know.

tell my siblings that i want them to live and never make the decision i made. tell them i love them.

please take good care of tannie for me.

i love you my dear yoongi. i hope you remember to smile even when i'm gone.

just look towards the waves and know i'm looking over you.

forever your best friend,

kim taehyung.

yoongi was now a sobbing mess, the tears falling like rivers down his cheeks. oh how he missed the boy in the blue. he missed him so deeply it physically hurt.

he turned around in hoseok's embrace and hugged him tightly, crying into the boy's chest yet again. hoseok only muttered comforting things, telling him how strong and brave he was. and yoongi cried, but with a small smile resting on his face.

he was happy. he finally got closure.

"let's go say goodbye to him, yeah?" hoseok suggested, gesturing towards the waves. yoongi nodded with a smile, eyes pouring out all his emotions.

and so, they got up, took off their shoes and ran into the waves with a light feeling in their young hearts.

the water felt welcoming and loving, just like taehyung. everything about this beach reminded yoongi of taehyung. it was like taehyung was the ocean, like he controlled the waves and shimmered in the reflecting moonlight. it was so beautiful, just like he was.

yoongi looked out towards the horizon with glossy eyes, almost seeing the boy with hair like the ocean and eyes like pearls smile back at him. and he felt it, he felt alive.

he had stayed alive for taehyung, just like he promised.


the two boys walked out of the blue water and back on the beach, hand in hand, saying goodbye to the ocean blue as they dried off.

they were alive and they were happy.

but most importantly, they were together.


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