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he smiled at yoongi "what were you listening to?"

yoongi was utterly confused as of why jung hoseok, the captain of the dance team was speaking to him. the two had never really interacted before, only that one time before first lesson.

"just now?" yoongi asked, which made the male in front of him chuckle slightly at his adorableness.


"uhm, i was listening to a piano cover." he quietly replied with a slight pink blush dusting his pale cheeks.

"a piano cover of what song?" hoseok kept the conversation going with a smile. inside, he was going crazy over the fact that he was finally talking to yoongi, that he was actually having a conversation with him.

yoongi was on the other hand slightly panicking. it had been two months since he had had a decent conversation with anyone. nobody had talked to him since his best friend passed away, and he hadn't tried to talk to anyone either. it felt as if he had forgotten how to converse with someone.

"a uh.. a song i wrote." he shyly replied, looking down with rosy cheeks. hoseok could feel his heart swoon.

yoongi, on the other hand, was overly embarrassed. the only person who knew that he wrote and produced his own songs was his best friend. and he was now sleeping on clouds in heaven. he had never thought someone would actually care enough to ask about his interests, so he was in no way prepared for this.

"you write songs? that's so cool!" hoseok complimented, the blush on yoongi's cheeks now expanding to his nose and ears.

"yeah. i only write them though. i can't really sing.." he said with a small smile, finally meeting hoseok's gaze. hoseok felt like doing a victory dance or scream or anything. he actually made yoongi smile. he actually smiled at hoseok, and hoseok was the cause of it.

he had never felt prouder of himself. not even when he won his first dance contest, because this was the biggest and most important goal for him to achieve. he made min yoongi, the boy who so tragically lost his best friend, smile.

"can i listen?" hoseok asked with a comforting smile. or yoongi found it comforting at least.

"i guess. but it isn't really finished and it's only a demo so the quality might be a bit rough.." he tried explaining, and hoseok only smiled at him.

hoseok's smile brought a little light to yoongi's dark world. it made him see a little more clearly, made him able to take a fresh breath of air before drowning in the sea of sorrow again.

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