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yoongi didn't know what to do, he couldn't do this alone, that much he knew.

so he called the first person who came to mind.

"hey yoongs, is everything okay?"  hoseok asked on the other line. just the sound of his voice calmed yoongi down, and he took in a shaky breath.

"can you come over tonight? i need your help with something." he asked, not telling what it was. even though the two boys had grown extremely close, they had never spoken about taehyung. sure they had talked about how yoongi was doing after the incident as they called it, but never really said his name.

"sure, what time works for you? i'm free all day."

"can you come over at 9pm?" yoongi knew the sun set around that time. he needed to do this on the beach, at night, like he always did. he couldn't do it any other way.

"sounds good to me. see you then yoongs!" hoseok beamed on the other line. it made yoongi smile. hoseok made yoongi smile.

"great, thank you. see you seok" and then the call ended and yoongi went upstairs to let the salty tears he had been trying to hold back stream down his pale cheeks.


the clock soon turned 9pm, and hoseok was standing outside yoongi's door with a big smile on his face, looking forward to seeing the beautiful male.

"hey seok." yoongi muttered once he opened the door. hoseok's smile soon faltered once he saw yoongi's swollen eyes and red cheeks. it was clear he had been crying, he could even see a single tear rolling down his left cheek.

"hey yoongs, what's going on?" he asked in a soothing voice, bringing the male into a hug while he patted his soft silver locks.

and yoongi started crying hysterically into hoseok's chest, unable to stop himself. he held hoseok so tight, with his arms around his waist as he poured all his feelings into the tears that soaked hoseok's blue t-shirt.

"h-he. he wrote me a l-letter." yoongi stuttered in between sobs. hoseok was utterly confused but continued to pat his hair in a soothing manner.

"who wrote you a letter baby?" hoseok almost died from embarrassment as the nickname slipped, but he ignored his own feelings for now. right now he had to take care of yoongi.

"t-tae." was all the silver haired male offered as an answer before crying harder into his chest. and hoseok finally understood.

yoongi had gotten a suicide note from taehyung.

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