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"how'd it go? did you two have fun?" jimin asked, wiggling brows. hoseok blushed at his words and pushed him lightly.

"we had fun. he smiled, a lot." hoseok spoke with his own heart smile, and jimin swooned at him. jimin could feel the love for yoongi ooze out of hoseok.

"awww look at you, all blushie and shushie." jimin cooed, pinching the brunette's cheeks while his eyes disappeared into small crescent moons.

"shut up." he rolled his eyes, but still not able to contain the smile on his lips and the butterflies in his stomach. he had been certain about his feelings for the smaller male for a while, and all he wanted was to make him happy.


the ride hoseok gave yoongi to school was filled with fun conversations and smiles plastered on their young and innocent faces. it was nice to ride with them, he felt like he belonged and he felt cared for. a feeling he didn't get that often. but he didn't let himself bask in it, get used to it, he knew the feeling would go away soon enough. just like hoseok would probably leave him alone soon too.

that didn't seem to be the case though, the six boys had been eating lunch together for a while, and none of them planned to do otherwise. they enjoyed the small ravenette's company even though he was on the quiet side. he was funny and different, and wasn't trying to be something he wasn't, and they all respected that. especially hoseok, because now that he actually knew the boy on a deeper level, he found himself falling deeper for the guy. they had also been spending more time together after school, enjoying being in each other's presence.

and soon, the school day ended and yoongi took his bike home. he walked into his bathroom, looked himself in the mirror. he looked so bland, so boring. he looked like an empty shell, he felt like one too. even though he had been getting better over the last few months, he was nowhere near over the death of taehyung. he was still deep emotionally scarred, and he knew he would be for the rest of his life.

he looked at his face, his hair and deep brown eyes. he needed to change something about his appearance. he needed to change so he could at least try and move on. he wanted so badly to be freed from the feeling of sorrow surrounding his shattered heart, he wanted so badly to just laugh again - to be happy.

so he grabbed his bike and drove towards the local grocery store.

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