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the dark beach welcomed him with moonlight and completely still water. it was rather peaceful, not a single thing to be heard. not even the waves sang tonight. they all mourned for the boy they lost exactly two months ago today.

he smiled at the sea. it was like he could feel his presence, see his blue hair in the ocean and kind eyes smile at him. he felt at ease.

"hi tae.. i miss you.. a lot.." he trailed off with a sad chuckle and pearly tears in his eyes.

"i finished a song today. and i let hoseok listen to it. jung hoseok, the boy you always told me to date.." he suddenly broke out in deep sobs, letting the hot tears spill down his pale cheeks. "i miss you so fucking much taehyung. why did you have to die? why? i don't get it. w- what did i do wrong?" he stuttered out between deep sobs. his heart ached, his head hurt and all he wanted to do was to get lost in the blue waves and disappear. just like his best friend did.

"i wish you were here... i was so angry with you at first, but i think i understand. i think... i think." he trailed off looking towards the blue, his mind determined. he needed to do this. "i think i wanna join you." he whispered. he stood up, dried his tears and brushed the sand off his pants. he needed to do this.

he walked towards the water, pulling off his shoes as he did. he needed to do this.

then suddenly, right before he stepped into the cold water, waves started splashing aggressively against the shore. they were loud and threatening, almost like they were telling yoongi to step away.

"tae.. you don't want me to join you?" he whispered as more tears spilled down his cheeks, he didn't understand. he thought he was supposed to join him in the waves.

he stepped away from the water and fell down in the same spot as before in the cold sand, and the waves instantly calmed down.

was his imagination playing tricks on him?


he went home that night with a conflicted mind and a heart filled with sorrow and regret.

but he dreamt of a boy with hair like the ocean and eyes like the prettiest pearl in the sea.

"I need you to stay alive for me." the boy from his dreams whispered, and yoongi finally understood.

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