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the two flustered boys arrived at hoseok's home ten minutes later. the drive had been filled with smiles and blushing cheeks and friendly conversations.

"well, welcome to the jung household." hoseok smiled as he opened the brown wooden door that led to the entrance of the home. and it was indeed a home - filled with pictures of a smiling family and homey decorations.

taehyung's house looked similar, his was just a tad bit bigger and more modern looking. but yoongi didn't mind, it made him feel an odd mix of sorrow and comfortness.

"do you wanna watch a movie? i have popcorn." yoongi only nodded at hoseok's suggestion. he was too busy taking in his surroundings, observing and absorbing what type of people lived there to answer with real words.

hoseok snapped yoongi out of his gaze, smiling brightly at him with a bowl of freshly made popcorn in his hand. everything about hoseok just seemed so.. warm. it was like he was the source of everything good in this world, casting a bright light on everything around him, including the dark and sorrowful min yoongi.

"what types of movies do you like? wait let me guess.. murder mysteries?" hoseok guessed, but felt his heart stop when he realized he had talked about death in front of yoongi. he was now convinced the smaller boy would get up from the couch they were currently seated on and walk out his front door.

but he didn't, he only smiled at hoseok.

"you guessed it. do i really seem that broody?" yoongi joked with a playful smile. hoseok felt blessed that he got to see this part of yoongi, the slightly brighter and more playful side. the hidden side.

"nah you just give off a vibe." hoseok smiled a heart shaped smile. yoongi wondered how anyone could be as perfect as jung hoseok, how anyone could brighten even such a sad soul as himself.

"okay, my turn. let me guess... you like romcoms?" he guessed with a smile, a content smile that made him feel things he didn't yet understand. was this happiness? he knew it was only temporary, but while it lasted, he wanted to bask in the unfamiliar feeling.

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