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"this is amazing yoongi-ssi. if you say this is a rough version, then the polished version must sound like angels singing." hoseok complimented the small male after he had listened to yoongi's piano cover of his own song. he was speaking the absolute truth, pulling the words out from his heart that already belonged to yoongi. he found the melody and notes absolutely beautiful - it sounded so sad, so lonely, so filled with emotion, yet so hopeful. he wondered how a boy like min yoongi could even be real, how he could create something to angelic with his bare hands.

he could see yoongi fidget and blush and all he wanted to do was to make him feel secure about himself, his life. he wanted to so badly.

and that was a feeling yoongi craved.

"thanks." the male shyly replied, looking down again as another blush tinted his full cheeks.


yoongi drove home on his bike again, feeling a sudden rush of energy that he didn't know where came from.

maybe he's cheering on me from above?

he liked to think that his best friend went to heaven and that he was enjoying himself up there, looking after yoongi and watching the waves at night. yoongi had never been religious, and never really believed in the afterlife, but he had to believe his beloved best friend went someplace nice for his own sanity's sake. he couldn't bare the thought of him getting eaten by worms six feet under.

he spent the remainder of his day finishing the song cover he showed hoseok, silently thanking the latter for making him smile. it was something he had missed.


the sun soon went down along with the sudden boost of energy yoongi had been feeling. it was now replaced by the same sorrow and loneliness he felt every time the sun said its goodbye to the sky and went away to shine on somebody else. not that it ever shined on yoongi anyways.

he quietly left the house, hopped on his old bike and drove towards the beach. he longed for the waves, he longed for the blue. he longed for the feeling of sand between his toes, he longed for the feeling of the cool breeze playing with his black bangs.

but most of all, he longed for his lost friend in the sea.

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