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it was a rainy october day, about four months since kim taehyung had decided to take his own life by swallowing more pills than his poor body could handle.

the six boys had eaten lunch together every lunch break for a little over a half month and they all enjoyed each other's company. none of the other boys had dared say taehyung's name in front of yoongi, scared he would disappear into his shell and never speak to them again. they knew he was in pain, that he was feeling sorrow, but they didn't know how to help him. they didn't know him that well yet, only hoseok did.

lunch break was over and yoongi was walking towards his art class, but was stopped by a hand on his arm. he turned around to face no other than jung hoseok. a pink blush dusted his cheeks, his heart fluttered and a small smile threatened to break through.

he didn't understand his feelings for the brunette yet.

"hey yoongi, i was just wondering if.." he trailed off as yoongi looked at him with eyes filled with curiosity. the sight was breathtaking. how could a person be as breathtaking as min yoongi even after everything he'd been through?

"if what?" the smaller boy curiously asked, looking up at the taller of the two. the height difference wasn't major, but still big enough to make hoseok's breath get caught in his throat everytime yoongi looked up at him through his lashes.

"uh.. if you wanted to hang out after school?" hoseok suddenly felt nervous. he was asking his crush out. of course not out like that, but he was still asking yoongi to spend time with him after school, and it felt like a major thing to hoseok.

both males hearts picked up pace and they both blushed.

yoongi smiled at him sweetly before replying. "sure." hoseok found it so adorable that everytime yoongi got embarrassed or shy, he would speak so quietly and blush.

in full truth, hoseok found anything yoongi did adorable.

"at my place?" hoseok asked, the blush on his tanned cheeks only increasing. yoongi nodded and looked down shyly.

"yeah, that sounds great. see you after school seok." he spoke before quickly walking off, embarrassed that the nickname slipped out. it was something he only called the boy in his daydreams.

hoseok was left standing in the hall with a goofy smile covering his blushing face, and a rapidly beating heart.

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