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he watched yoongi as he walked down the hall, downcast eyes and messy black hair, yet he still managed to look beautiful. he felt so bad for the male, he had lost his best friend to suicide and nobody was talking to him, only about him.

and he felt like a coward, he hadn't talked to yoongi either. he wanted to, so deeply, but he was scared of the outcome. he was scared that he would reject him or ignore him. he knew he was being selfish.

but today he decided that he would talk to him. he would.

he wanted so badly to take yoongi's pain away. he had always had a crush on the quiet male, watching him from afar. he was just so beautiful and delicate and kind, always smiling hoseok's worries away.

he had first lesson with him, so he decided that now was his chance.

come on jung hoseok, you can do this. just talk to him.

yoongi walked towards the classroom where him and hoseok would be having their first period. hoseok's heart began beating rapidly, but he ignored it as he walked towards the smaller male. he was determined to at least look him in the eyes.

his pace quickened, he was almost beside him.

"hey yoongi." he breathed out. said male turned around to look at hoseok with big brown eyes. it was the most beautiful eyes hoseok had ever seen. yoongi blinked, a little surprised that someone was actually speaking to him. he could see hoseok visually gulp, and he wondered what he wanted.

"hi hoseok." he quietly spoke back. hoseok's breath almost got caught in his throat. he knows my name. yoongi's voice was so deep, so smooth and filled with so much emotion. hoseok loved his voice, and if he could, he would listen to it all the time.

"uh- how are you?" you stupid bitch hoseok, his best friend just killed himself and you're asking him how he is? he internally scolded himself at what he thought was the dumbest question on earth.

but to yoongi it meant so much. somebody actually asked him how he was, acted like they cared even though it might just be pretend.

"i- i'm fine. what about you?" he quietly spoke again. hoseok knew he was lying. he knew yoongi wasn't fine, but he had no place to ask the male about his feelings. even though he deeply wished to.

"i'm good." hoseok spoke with a small smile. he wanted to see a smile on the ravenette as well, but he knew that probably wouldn't be happening soon.

yoongi nodded at his reply, walked inside the classroom and took a seat. hoseok took a moment to collect himself before walking in as well.

you dipshit, you probably just made everything worse. hoseok thought to himself.

why did jung hoseok just talk to me? yoongi wondered. maybe he wanted something from him.

the lesson began and yoongi pulled out his notebook.

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