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the two boys eventually decided on a horror movie, resulting in hoseok hiding under a blanket and yoongi laughing internally at the brunette's actions. he couldn't bring himself to laugh out loud yet - his mind wasn't healed enough to do so, he needed time. but he knew that with hoseok by his side, it wouldn't take long.

"i'll see you tomorrow seok. thank you for inviting me over." yoongi shyly smiled from the passenger seat once they had reached yoongi's house. hoseok was so proud to see the smaller male smile so much, he was so proud to see him doing progress. his next goal was to get the male to smile his usual gummy smile, a smile he knew yoongi only showed once he was truly happy and enjoying himself. a smile that he had seen so many months ago, a smile he fell in love with.

and he needed to see it again, not only for his own heart's sake, but also for yoongi's.

"don't thank me yoongs, i love hanging out with you! i'll pick you up tomorrow, be ready 10 minutes before 8." he beamed at yoongi, only slightly blushing at the fact that they were using nicknames now. the ravenette nodded with a shy smile and pink tinted cheeks before closing the door to the passenger seat and walking inside his house.

his house, not his home. his home was with taehyung and taehyung was no longer on this earth.

he walked upstair, a foreign, bubbly feeling filling his chest. hoseok had managed to make him smile more times that he could count on two hands, and he could never express how grateful he was for that. even if it was always only temporary, hoseok always managed to shine on yoongi when the sun didn't.


it was already late, the sun was down, so yoongi took his bike and drove towards the beach like he did every night. it was a little over four months since his death so yoongi had grown quite familiar with the small beach. he had the way there memorized by heart, and he always longed for the calming waves to lull him to ease.

it was also soon full moon, a rare sight that seemed to work as glue, slowly picking up the broken pieces of his shattered heart month by month. it had become his favorite sight in the world. it was once taehyung's too.

he always said how beautiful he found the reflection of the moon dancing on the shimmering water. he said it was his safe place, a place he felt at ease. and it had become yoongi's too.

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