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he closed his eyes for a moment, blocking out the sound of the tired waves, so only his rapid heart beat could be heard.

why was he still alive?

the pictures of ocean blue hair and a blinding smile played on repeat like a mocking slideshow in his mind.

he would give anything to see that sight again. but he knew anything wasn't enough to bring him back. he knew deep down that nothing in this world could bring back his life, his love, his laugh. it was forever gone, taken by the unforgiving waves of light.

but he found it so unfair. why did he take his own life? was yoongi not enough for him? was he not there for him enough?

you meant nothing to him, you're the reason he's dead

a small, yet evil voice mocked inside his head.

he opened his eyes again, the sight of the glistening waves met his eyes and he knew it was time to go. he said his goodbye to the boy in the blue and headed back home. he hopped on his old bike and drove through the night. the breeze pushed his black bangs away from his forehead, exposing his weak self to the whole world.

he parked his bike, not locking it since he didn't really care if it got stolen or not. he didn't care about anything. he just wanted to sleep his pain away, but it never worked, it was always there when he woke up. he kept trying, hoping that one day, he would wake up with a text from his best friend and a content smile on his face. but he hadn't had any luck yet.


he woke up to the sound of his alarm mocking him and yelling at him to get up. he didn't want to, but he knew he had to. he slipped on a big black hoodie and black jeans, not caring about his appearance. who was there to impress?

he didn't have any appetite, so he just took his bike and left for school, not even saying goodmorning or goodbye to his parents.

he entered the school and walked down the hall, trying his best to ignore the students whispering things that he knew was about him or.. him.

"yeah, i feel so bad for him. imagine losing your best friend like that. he must be devastated." he overheard a girl whisper to her friends with a sympathetic look on her face. everyone talked about him, but never to him.

they didn't care about yoongi. nobody did, not even yoongi himself.

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