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hoseok heard his phone vibrate on the table, so he quickly grabbed it.

hey hoseok, i was wondering if you wanted to
come over and dye my hair. i already have the
bleach and dye.

he instantly smiled once he saw the text. yoongi wanted to hang out with him. he felt his heart flutter and heat rise to his sunkissed cheeks.

sure thing, i'll be there in 5 (:

"mom, i'm going to yoongi's house! i'll be back before dinner!" he shouted while putting on his shoes. he heard his mom yell back in approval before grabbing his car keys and walking out the door.

the drive to yoongi's house was filled with an anxious hoseok overthinking every possible scenario that could occur at the elder's house. but his train of thoughts came to a stop once he reached the smaller males house and parked in his driveway.

he rang the bell with a nervous smile and listened closely for the sound of footsteps approaching on the other side of the front door.

"hey seok, come in." yoongi smiled once he opened the door. hoseok almost fell over by how beautiful yoongi looked. he was wearing the exact same outfit he wore to school, yet hoseok still found him breathtaking.

the two boys walked through the living room and up the stairs to yoongi's room. hoseok had actually never been inside yoongi's house, and he could tell it wasn't exactly a happy home. it seemed cold and lonely, no colors to be detected, no parents home.

but then he entered yoongi's room, filled with posters of musicians and lyrics on his walls. his desk was filled with equipment that hoseok assumed was used to produce music and his bed was big and filled with pillows and soft blankets - very yoongi like. the room wasn't messy, actually neatly organized and hoseok wondered how the boy had the energy to clean up his room after the loss he had felt.

"you can just sit on the bed while i find the dye." yoongi said, walking off to what hoseok assumed was the bathroom. his bed was soft and welcoming - just like yoongi's smile. everything in this room just screamed min yoongi, and hoseok loved it.

the small boy came back wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts with a container of dye and one with bleach. he looked stunning in hoseok's eyes.

"what color are we dying it?" he asked, gesturing towards the container in his hand.

"silver" just like the moon that shone so bright on his beautiful face.

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