(Arc 1)Chapter. 1 Savior

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Midnight, UA Dorms...

Deku groaned softly as he sat up in his bed, he yawned and looked outside his window, it was pitch black and the moon overhead was the only source of light.

Deku smiled while laying back down and sighed, the green haired boy then quickly fell back asleep...

In the opposite building Uraraka laid wide awake, her inability to fall asleep a direct cause of her anxiety.

The brunette looked blankly at the ceiling and sighed, "I can't sleep at all..." she said softly and got up and walked to the bathroom.

Uraraka grabbed a small plastic cup from beside her sink and filled it up with water, she quickly drank it and lazily threw the cup into the garbage bin beside her sink.

She looked up at the mirror which was barely visible by the moonlight.

The image had bags around its eyes from countless sleepless nights they deep and dark, standing out against its pale complexion.

Its cheeks were stained with a mixture of sweat, tears and sink water.

And it's hair was a mess, the corners of her mouth pulled down into a twisted grimace, knowing that the image in the mirror was herself.

She walked back to her bed and laid back down, as hard as she tried to shut her brain down and fall asleep, one thought always stuck around.

"Deku.." she said softly and felt her eyes well up once more.

She continued to think, that image she pursued - that image being Deku.

The dauntless green haired hero with a fire in his eyes that could overcome anything, as the year progressed, it became more prominent in her mind.

She sighed and pulled the covers up and took a deep breath, "I can do this..." she said and closed her eyes, but all she saw was green....

It was his color, she felt her eye lids begin to heavy as she grew a small smile and fell asleep soon after.

UA Classrooms after school...

Deku walked down the familiar school halls and looked around, he had a lesson with All Might after school, but he was early so he took his time.

The green haired boy walked out of the main school building, it was a sunny day and the light was strong, he raised his hand above his head to shield his eyes from the blinding sunlight.

"I still can't believe I am going to school here." Deku smiled as he walked to the training area of the school, he walked into the building and saw his mentor waiting for him.

"Ah, young Midoriya, your early." All Might said looking at the clock on the wall in the training room, he then smiled to his future successor, "Yea, I got out of class early." Deku said and set his bag down.

"I'm itching to get to work, I want to get stronger." Deku said and clenched his fist while looking to him, "I like your spirit Midoriya, let's get training!" All Might half yelled and turned into his muscle form for a minute.

He then returned to normal and coughed up blood, both of them laughed and got to work.

Bakugo walked into the training center and went to the weight section, he then began to workout and looked around... empty, "This is why I'm the strongest, no one else even bothers to train and better themselves!" He yelled and set down his weights angrily.

He then heard yelling in a separate room, he looked in and saw Deku training with All Might, he saw the look in Deku's eyes, "That damn nerd." He then left the two alone and went back to working out.

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