(Arc 1) Chapter. 8 Freefalling

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The second half of this chapter is extremely dark, if you're uncomfortable, please skip it...

"Come at me!" Deku yelled and planted his feet as the villain rushed him, he dodged under his fist and swept his leg, knocking him to the ground momentarily.

Deku jumped into the air and extended his leg, ready to punish this mistake, but missed last second as the villain rolled away.

Deku leapt back, energy fleeting him and his vision was beginning to fog up.

He panted and looked forward.

"All out of energy hero?" Shigaraki asked and Deku clenched his teeth.

"Then die!" He yelled and rushed Deku, before he could react he was punched in the gut, sending shockwaves through his body and caused him to vomit.

He fell to the ground and panted heavily.

Deku barely managed to hang on, his body beaten and battered, every bone either broken or bruised, his body was now literally and metaphorically running on fumes.

He panted hard and felt his side, blood was spilling from the multiple stab wounds Toga made, when he felt more, he felt many needles still in his body.

The green-haired hero began to heavy his breathing even more, his adrenaline complete tapped and unable to stand anymore, he laid defenseless as Shigaraki walked toward him with an evil grin.

"It's only a matter of time now till my master returns, when that happens you'll be dead." He grinned and Deku raised his head.

Shigaraki placed his foot on his head and kicked him multiple times as hard as he could, as he did it Deku began to hear ringing and his vision clouded up even more.

"Before I kill you brat, I have something to show you."

Shigaraki pulled a metal box out of his pocket, he grew a grin and walked over in front of Deku.

"N-No.... H-How do you have those?!" Deku looked up in horror.

In Shigaraki's hands are the quirk destroying bullets belonging to Overhall not to long ago.

"Oh these? I snatched them off him before he... well... died!" Shigaraki laughed and loaded a handgun with the bullet.

Uraraka looked to the green haired hero who still was in disbelief.

"Deku....." she spoke softly and he looked to her.

"He'd never join you! Regardless of what happens to me... he's a true hero!" She forced a smile and he shook his head.

"Ura-Uraraka... don't." Deku spoke softly and looked down for a moment.

"Deku promise me you won't!" She yelled and he looked back up in a hurry, she was crying, but he knew what she meant.

He clenched his fist and took a deep breath.

I'll figure out a way to save her... I swear...

"I.... I promise." He nodded slowly to her and clenched his teeth.

I... I got to.... I HAVE TO GET UP!

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