(Arc 1) Chapter. 6 Attacked

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(Now it has 400... WAIT 500 ..... WAIT Nearly 600! Jesus XD Thanks, guys! Here's an action-packed chapter. Also, it talks about some bad stuff toward the end, heads up warning ⚠️)

(AN: I added a lot of new stuff, especially towards the end, thanks for the re-read! It's way better than the first time I published it and I find this version was more interesting have fun and thanks for the 700 reads! )

"D-Damn..." Deku mumbled angrily and clenched his fist to the point where small cuts formed.

"Are you-" Uraraka began to speak but got cut off by Deku's aura exploding around the pair, sending shockwaves around them and caving the roof inward

"One for all... Full Cowling!" He yelled and pink lines began crawling up his body, he clenched his teeth and his aura exploded around the two more.

"I'm going." He spoke as his face began glowing and he stepped forward, he was stopped in his tracks by her grabbing onto his arm.

He turned around to face the woman, "What are you-"

"I'm coming with you." She looked to him with a determined look in her eyes, but with that look, was her smile, which made Deku calm down slightly.

He sighed and nodded to her after thinking it through for a moment, "alright.... but stay close." He spoke softly and she nodded.

The two jumped from the roof and began sprinting to the school.

"Uraraka when we're close, use your quirk on us, fly us overhead and I'll cause a distraction," Deku spoke and pointed to the school.

"Got it." Uraraka agreed and cupped her hands.

I need to put out that fire! As well as provide cover for everyone!

"Now!" Deku yelled and the brunette used her quirk, sending the two into the sky.

Deku bent his fingers and gritted his teeth, "Delaware Smash!" Deku yelled and launched a huge gust of wind toward the school, it put some of the fire out and turned the attention of the fight away from his fellow students to him.

"What in the hell was that?" Dabi asked as he and the rest of the league had been blown back slightly, he looked to the sky and saw a green streak fly overhead.

"Boss he's here!" Twice yelled and Shigaraki turned to see the boy land in front of him, hands extended to defend his friends.

Uraraka landing to his right, doing the same pose as her boyfriend.

"Right on schedule." He spoke with a smirk growing, his plan was beginning to come together.

"M-Midoriya!" Iida yelled to him and the pair of teens looked to his other classmates.

Most have fallen around them, but the ones who remained standing where Iida, Tordoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Nejire of the big three, the other two members of the big three were nowhere to be seen.

"Ah, Midoriya! Welcome, We've been holding them off... kinda well!" Nejire smiled, Deku was shocked that even in a time like this, she was still happy and positive.

I have a lot to learn... if I want to always wear a smile like All Might...

"About time," Tordoroki spoke and to him, he had blood all over his face and cuts all the way down his arms and legs.

It was a hard sight to look at, but he stood strong, reassuring Deku.

"Like we needed him, we had it handled." Bakugo scoffed and Kirishima laughed.

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