(Arc 2) Chapter. 11 Upgrades

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[I hope you're all enjoying the book!]

The following morning...

The two teens had woken up relatively early, they took turns in the shower and then ate together, an average, uneventful morning.

"Ready?" Deku asked, book bag on his back and a smile on his face.

"More than ready babe." Uraraka smiled and held his hand, the pair walked out the dorm room and made their way to Class 1A.

Deku opened the door and no one was in the class, much to the pairs surprise.

"Where is-" Deku asked and walked to the podium at the front.

"Midoriya, Uraraka, the class got up early today as punishment for helping you in your 'mission' and is working out, meet us outside ground beta when you read this.


Deku blinked and handed the paper to Uraraka.

She glossed it over and handed it back to Deku.

"Something's never change huh." Uraraka chuckled and Deku rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, but they shouldn't be punished for helping." Deku commented and began walking out, Uraraka holding his hand.

A bit later...

The pair were closing in on they were told to meet, along the way they had a fun conversation about quirks and what the world may be without them, the thought sent shivers down the pairs back, neither wanting a world like that.

But before long, they had reached the destination and saw...

"No one?" Deku asked confused and looked around, seeing no one.

"Huh." Uraraka said slightly annoyed and the two began looking around.

The spotlights came on all of a sudden and the pair looked up to investigate.

Then while they were distracted, the class began slithering their way behind them and tapped their shoulders simultaneously.

They both turned around to see what it was.

"SURPRISE!" Their class out and scared the pair.

Deku has jumped back slightly and raised his fists to fight, but instantly dropped them when it registered what was happening.

Meanwhile Uraraka instinctively used her quirk and began floating upward.

"You guys..." Deku smirked and began making his way to them.

There was a cake, balloons, a real party, even Aizawa was in on it! Deku smiled and then looked to his side, a certain brown haired cutie was missing.

He turned behind him and saw her floating still and decided to jump up and grab her, she wore a blush as he landed with her in his arms, just like a newly wed would.

He let her off and she kissed his cheek as a thank you, making the green-haired boy blush as well.

"Congrats on not being a cripple Deku." Bakugo smirked and Kirishima punched him in the side.

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