(Arc 3) Chapter. 17 Bittersweet

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Sorry for any mistakes

The fight was over, the world was saved and the people could celebrate, following the defeat of All For One in the center of town, the remaining pro hero's regrouped and hunted down the remaining members of the League of Villains.

And within 4 days, succeeded.

All were captured and were sent to the maximum security prison.

While all this was happening, the four brave hero's that fought to protect the world were being healed at the hospital.

Hopes were high, seeing at though two of the four were up already.

In the first day, Bakugo woke up to a sight that made him angry.

He was strapped up with an Iv and numerous other medical machines.

Which didn't bode well for the nurses of the short fused teen.

By the second day, he was up and walking around, but refused to leave the hospital.

He walked to his friends room, the word was still fresh in his mind, but he earned that word, and Bakugo knew it.

Upon entering it, he saw the green haired boy with at least a dozen machines around him, multiple iv's attached and numerous other machines.

The doctor faced the blonde as he walked to his friend.

"How is he..?" Bakugo asked and the doctor adjusted his glasses.

"He's doing okay... but medically speaking... shouldn't even be alive right now." He admitted and the blonde grabbed him the by collar.

"What did you just say?" He asked and the doctor began to whimper.

"N-nothing." He chocked out and the boy dropped him.

"I thought as much, now tell me what injures he has." The blonde asked as nicely as possible, meaning he demanded an answer.

"Well... his right arm is completely shattered, his left is fractured, both his legs are broken, all but two ribs are broken, he has a broken nose, massive gashes and lacerations all across his chest, his jaw was broken, he's lost a massive amount of blood... and he's..."

"He's... what..?" Bakugo asked and the doctor sighed while he felt his anxiety rise.

"And... h-he's in a coma."


In a separate room a certain brunette began to stir, when brought to the hospital she didn't have a pulse, but was brought back by shocking her heart back into beating, it took about a half hour, but she regained a heart beat.

She was alive, and healing as well.

She had 5 broken ribs, a broken arm, a fractured nose, severe internal bleeding with multiple lacerations and to top it off, a concussion.

But miraculously, she pulled through and upon her awakening, the only thing that doctors could hear where the repeated shouts of a single name.

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