(Arc 1) Chapter. 3 Teamwork

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Thanks for one hundred reads :) here's to more!

Btw if I unpublish something and then publish it again, it's because I saw a grammar issue, or I added a bit more stuff ;)

UA high:

The school of UA was bustling like most days, classrooms filled with aspiring hero's ready to take the hero's course and the world by storm.

Deku sat in his chair, pen in hand, and was carefully taking notes, he wrote down every meaningful word from Aizawa, most of his lectures were tone-deaf and hard to understand if he was being serious or not.

But regardless, Deku continued writing.

He paused for a brief moment to take a breather, his hand was cramping making him chuckle.

He closed his eyes and went over the events that led him to this moment, meeting his idol and becoming his successor, dawning his horrible nickname as a kid and turning it into something positive.

He smiled warmly and began playing with his pencil in his hand before looking over to his side.

There sat the brunette with a bubbly personality, she seemed to be in a daze, so he didn't do anything.

But the past few days with her seemed weird, after thinking about it for a bit, he shook his head in disappointment.

But then he smiled about how he found her at the mall and then...

I... I carried her like a princess.... didn't I.....

Deku mentally facepalmed and put his head to his desk and sighed, "What am I doing? I like this girl a lot... I hope I didn't weird her out or anything."

He sighed again and shook his head, "Any chance I did have left went out the window when I decided to train instead of being with her.." he sighed again.

"I'm an idiot." He said under his breath. He picked back up his pencil and continued to write.

Beside him, Uraraka was slouched back slightly in her chair and also had a pen in her hand. On the top of the opened page, she had written some vague notes from the lecture but quickly lost steam as the page went down and began daydreaming as a result.

She blinked and looked over to the green-haired boy who was rapidly writing as if his life depended on it, she giggled and put her hand to her chin and leaned forward staring at him.

She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering the few prior events with him, he saved her life for the second time and carried her like a princess.

It felt like I was in a fairy tale...

She grew a small blush and felt her heart rate increase. She wouldn't admit it to herself, but the feelings she claimed to have pushed down were resurfacing, and this time, were way stronger than before.

She shook her head to escape her thoughts and put her head on the desk.

"Uraraka."A voice spoke and she lifted her head, It was Aizawa, he stopped his lecture and the entire class turned to her.

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