(Arc 3) Chapter. 19 Forward

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3 years later

It's the year 2025, people continue to grow as the planet around them does the same.

Said world has lived in peace for these past 5 years, of course there's crime and that won't ever stop, but with the help of a certain hero and his new agency, the world continues to live in peace.

The future is a scary time, things change and people change along with them, the world is changing more and more by each passing day, and with that, new people rise, while others fall.

This is the story of one of those people, the leader of the biggest agency in the world, and the current number one hero in Japan.


"Good morning hero." A voice whispered to the boys side, he grunted softly and opened his eyes revealing a smiling brunette standing beside the bed, but was rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Huh... oh, morning." He smiled back and sat up.

The boy stretched and yawned once before returning his gaze to her.

"Any reason you're up so early?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I just woke up." She shrugged and yawned.

"Probably because I'm used to getting up early for work." She spoke and the boy nodded.

"Anyway, I was planning on going back to bed... but I wanted to snuggle." She stated with a hint of red on her face.

Izuku sighed and rubbed his eyes once.

"That's kinda unfair toward me ya know, waking me up because you're up.." The boy chuckled and the girl poked his side.

She hopped onto the bed and made her way to the covers, she then slipped underneath and snuggled against her boyfriend while her head was poking out of the sheets.

She sighed in comfort before yawning.

"Is this really it?" He asked with a chuckle and she looked up to him with puppy dog eyes.

"Maybeee." She giggled as she placed her face near his chest.

"So warm..." she mumbled and Izuku placed his hand on her head and rubbed her hair.

"So you wake me up, just to fall asleep?" He asked and got a 'mhm' from under the covers before soft breathing was heard.

"Okay then." He chuckled once more and wrapped his arm around her while adjusting his pillow slightly.

Izuku looked to his right and reached under his bed, he pulled out a little box and held it in front of him for a moment.

"I hope she says yes." He smiled and slipped the box down under the bed.

"I just gotta do it." He said with a determined look, he moved slightly and a groan of annoyance was heard under the sheets.

"I-Izuku... be quiet...." Ochako mumbled from the warmness of his body.

"A-Alright." He agreed as his face began to glow a bright red.

"It's Saturday, we can take it easy." He smiled and began to doze off.

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