(Arc 2) Chapter. 12 Return...

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"Why did you run to fight that hot headed idiot?" Uraraka asked genuinely curious.

"Because I owed him a -"

Deku paused his walking and turned back to the city.

"R-Run..." he spoke while beginning to sweat, she then stared at him confused.

"C-Come again?" She asked and Deku turned to her.

"GO!" He yelled and she flinched.

The girl looked to where the boy was looking and her blood went cold.

"N-No." she stated and clenched her fists.

"I-I'm... I'm tired of running!" She yelled out and the boy turned to her.

"Fine then." He nodded.

The teens looked forward and stared at the threat.

"You've got balls kid." The figure spoke and Deku growled.

"Why are you here?" He asked in anger and the man chuckled.

"Because we need to continue our chat, last time we talked, things got a bit... heated." He spoke and stopped walking.

"Damn you..." Deku clenched his teeth.

"You hurt her... the girl I love... and now you're trying to get me to join you!?" Deku began to yell.

Calm down Izuku! Calm down!"

"Come on kid! Think about it! You'd get any quirk you'd want!" He yelled and the boys widened.

"D-Deku..." Uraraka mumbled.

"A-Any quirk?" He asked and the Shigaraki nodded.

"Master has communicated more with us... he grows more powerful by the second and wants you to be his apprentice..."

"HE WHAT!?" Deku yelled out and began to sweat.

"Yes my boy... you'd get whatever you wanted if you joined..." Shigaraki smirked.

"D-Deku you can't be-" Uraraka began but Deku placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You... bastard..."

"Screw you! And screw your offer!" Deku spat out and activated one for all to 40 percent, sinking the ground beneath him.


"Deku..." she mumbled his name.

"Fine, then I guess the deals off." Shigaraki sighed and stretched.

"I'll make this clear brat, you're either gonna be a villain-"

He grew a sadistic grin, "Or you and that bitch are gonna die." He finished and pointed to the boy.

Deku fell to the ground and began to cough up blood.

"D-Deku!?" Uraraka yelled out and grabbed onto him.

N-No! Dammit! Not... Now...

"Y-You... bastard..." Deku growled.

"So you've caught on?" Shigaraki laughed.

"Uraraka... you need to run now..." Deku chocked our and the girl clung onto him tighter.

"Whatever is gonna happen... we can handle it together..." she assured him and Deku's eyes widened.

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