(Arc 1) Chapter. 7 Raid

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Thanks for 600... 700.... 800... 900 reads... Jesus XD

Oh, at 1k and then 2k, etc... I'll have the group go on field trips ;) trip one being a hot spring...

So, let us begin...

It's been 2 days since the day Uraraka had been kidnapped and every student was on edge, especially Deku.

The boy had received a special pardon, thanks to All Might, to skip class and focus solely on his training and upcoming raid.

In that 2 day span, the boy had managed to bring his maximum natural power of One For All to 30%, but when anger was taken into account, he could go up to 100%, but he would be out of commission.

He knew that his emotions may get the better of him, so as he trained his body, he trained his mind.

Now, was the day the fruits of his labor would be shown to the villain scum who abducted her...

Deku stood in the doorway of the school, the paper with the instructions in hand, and his hero costume equipped.

"Midoriya!" A voice shouted from behind the boy, he smiled as he saw its owner running toward him.

"Hey, Kirishima." Deku smiled and his classmate caught his breath next to him.

"Be safe out there... give em hell." He smirked and Deku nodded.

"Believe me, they'll pay for what they did," Deku smirked and began walking out of the school.

"Oww." Deku winced in pain and grabbed his back.

Damn mosquitos...

"You alright?" Kirishima asked and he nodded, "Must've been a bug..." Deku sighed and cracked his knuckles.

"Anyway, wish me luck." He waved to him and activated one for all.

"And We'll be back soon." He gave one final goodbye and ran away towards his target.

Kirishima waved as he departed and the moment he was out of view he turned around.

"Did you get him?" He asked and a pair of gloves came into view.

"Yep, and he was none the wiser!" Hagakure said happily and Kirishima smirked.

"Thank god we had Momo make that tracker." He said with a relieved sigh.

"So, did the plan work?" Another voice asked, belonging to Iida.

"Yep, so, what's is the plan?" He asked and Iida smiled.

"I hate breaking the rules... but he's my best friend, and she is as well, I say, the plan is to go crash that party."

"W-Woah really!? You!?" Kirishima asked dumbfounded and Iida chopped the air.

"Of course! He's our friend! We did the same for Bakugo."

"Is the rest of the class onboard?" Hakuge asked kids nodded, revealing the rest of the class behind him.

"Hell yeah, we are!" Mina shouted.

"So, Kirishima, Hagakure, let's get suited up, we have a party to crash."


Deku jumped from building to building, getting closer to his target and trying his best to conserve energy.

He landed on the roof of a warehouse, dead ahead was the target.

I'm coming Ochako...

He leaped off the roof and landed softly on the ground, he looked once more at the paper, seeing that it specified him coming in by himself.

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