(Arc 1) Chapter. 2 Priorties

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Midnight UA Dorms:

"D-Deku?" Uraraka asked softly and looked around, she sighed and began to walk around until she saw a flash of green.

"D-Deku!" The girl yelled and began to run after the flash, but it quickly faded out of sight.

Uraraka looked down and put her hands on her knees and began to pant heavily, she looked up and saw Deku looking down at her.

"D-Deku?... W-What are you-" she began to speak but the boy punched her in the gut, she gasped for air as she crumbled down to the floor.

"W-Why?" She managed to get out while struggling for air.

"You disgust me." The green haired boy spoke coldly.

"D-Deku!" She yelled out, tears welling in her eyes.

"Like I'd ever love a girl as WEAK as you are!" Deku spoke as he turned around and began to walk away, "I'd rather train than be with you." He said in a softer tone but loud enough for her to hear.

The words cut her like a dagger and she struggled to lift her head up, "D-Deku.... Wait...." Uraraka said as her vision faded to black.

Uraraka shot up, sweat dripping down her face as she began to frantically look around.

"D-Deku..." the girl said softly began to cry.

The following morning...

Deku awoke and slowly opened his eyes, at first the sunlight peering through his window was eye piercing, but he quickly adjusted.

He yawned and jumped out of bed, he bent down and stretched.

He looked over at the clock beside his bed and smiled, "Dang it's 9:30 already." He said softly and walked over to grab a shirt.

"I'll eat and then go see All Might if I can tra-"

Knock knock...

Deku turned to face the door, a pair of feet were visible under the door and he walked to investigate.

"D-Deku?" A female voice asked from the other side of the door, "C-Can we talk?" She continued as he opened the door.

"About what?" He asked nicely

The brunette in front of him was clothed in a white shirt with the schools logo, a blue skirt and a green sweatshirt, the same color as Deku's eyes, she had her chocolate colored hair in a bun

"I-If I may ask... how are you spending today?" She asked and he looked down for a moment before looking back up, "I was planning on seeing if I can get more training in with All Might." He smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

He's gonna be training...

"Oh... that's cool." She said in a defeated toneand dropped her head, her voice had a hint sadness in it.

"Yesterday the class made plans for today, we all are gonna grab a bite to eat at a restaurant in the city and then go to the mall." Uraraka spoke as she lifted her head back up to face the green haired boy.

"I-I know you want to get stronger, but even heros gotta rest!" Uraraka raised her voice and then sighed.

Deku stayed silent, unsure of what to do or say.

"If you can't go that's fine..." Uraraka said softly and started to walk away.

"B-But.." Deku spoke softly and Uraraka shook her head discretely as she walked away.

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