(Arc 3) Chapter. 16 Beyond

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Sorry for the wait , lets get into it.
Sorry for the mistakes
I edited the ending, please read that part again if your seeing this for a second time, it's better written
Thank you :)

"RAGHH!" Deku yelled as he jumped into the air, he rolled his body to avoid the oncoming tendrils launched at him.

After dodging, he readjusted his body and slammed his hands downward, the tendrils around his body sending themselves down at the villain who raised his deformed mutated arm to block, after making contact Deku began to dive down with an axe kick to the head sending shockwaves around.

The villain's neck seemed to be broken from the massive impact, but as Deku leapt back and assumed his stance, the neck of the villain healed.

"You really are a monster." Deku spat and All For One growled in anger before he rushing forward, cocking his fist back and growing his fist more.

J-Just like Bakugo!

Time slowed for the Izuku, as the fist slammed down to where he was previously, he slid under the villain and before he could react, threw his own massive punch right to the back of his skull, the blow sent the villain into a building and gave Deku a moment to breathe.

He took this time to spit on the ground and wiped his brow from the blood seeping from the gash on his head, and within ten seconds, he was gone once more, only a streak of green could been seen.

All For One slowly got to his feet and cracked his neck, but a moment later the green bolt of lightning was in his face and landed a massive uppercut on his jaw, once more sending him flying backward.

His body bounced on the street and came to a halt as the street's asphalt began to break apart.

"Air Force Strike!" Deku yelled and his gauntlets expanded, launching a flurry of wind blasts at the villain hitting him while he was downed.

Deku jumped and faced the villain as he was in the ground.

"Your quirks are annoying." Deku stated with a scowl and the villain only laughed.

"And why is that my dear friend?" He asked jokingly and before a response was heard, he felt his eyes widen and the air in his chest fade, he looked down and saw the fist of the green-haired boy in his gut.

"It's because there all stolen!" Deku screamed and put more power into his punch, sending shockwaves around the pair and sending the villain into a deeper crater.

Deku leapt upward and landed on the edge of the crater. He stared down at the villain, but when he did so, all he saw the villain laughing.

"What's so funny!?" Deku yelled in anger, not able to hold himself emotionally stable any longer.

"It's just how Bitchy you're being!" The villain insulted and grabbed the walls of the small crater he was in and used the momentum to pull himself upward.

"Enough playtime and enough games, I'm tired of this wanna be symbol of peace and his wanna be hero friends, it's time I kill you." All For One stayed with venom and leapt upward into the sky.

"RAGHH!" He screamed and tendrils shot out into every direction, Deku saw this and turned up his quirk to around fifty percent, he dodged each one that was sent after him, using the buildings as landing pads for him.

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