(Arc 3) Chapter. 14 Apology

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UA Alliance halls:

"Did Bakugo just!?" Kirishima yelled out and saw the blonde haired boy had left his spot against the wall.

"He must've left while we were distracted." Yaoyorozu reasoned and the group seemed to agree.

"He saved him..." a voice spoke, the class all turned to Uraraka who was smiling.

"He saved Izuku."


"Ugh..." Deku complained as he held his head.

He sat up slightly to reveal Bakugo sitting beside him.

"You up finally?" He asked as he stood up and Deku blinked a few times in confusion.

"Yeah, but what are you doing here? This is my-"

"No it's not." Bakugo interrupted as he offered the boy on the ground his hand.

Deku took it and was pulled up, face to face with his childhood bully.

"What do you mean?" He asked and Bakugo groaned.

"I mean it's not just your fight, plus I saw you on T.V back at UA, I didn't want that bastard to turn my rival into paste or anything." He smirked and Deku chuckled slightly as he wiped a bit of blood from his head.

"Thanks." Deku bowed his head slightly and Bakugo punched him on the shoulder.

"Don't think I'm going soft, and the symbol of peace shouldn't bow."

Deku nodded and straightened his posture.

The two then walked over to a nearby window, the glass was shattered due to the fight earlier, but all of them were, so it didn't look to out of ordinary.

"You have a plan?" Bakugo asked and Deku was caught off guard.

"You want me to make a plan Kacchan?" Deku asked with a smirk and Bakugo gave Deku a look of death.

"S-Sorry- I mean Bakugo." Deku apologized and the blonde smirked.

"I hate you and your damn plans, but I especially hate that nickname." He spoke and Deku nodded.

"I called you that out of respect since we were friends when we were kids." Deku spoke as he looked down to the ground.

Bakugo grew silent and then looked to Deku.

"I'm sorry-" he spoke, catching Deku way of guard.

He looked to him and Bakugo sighed.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole all these years to you, I was always having issues with how you looked up to me and all that crap, I thought it was pity." He admitted and Deku laughed lightly.

"I meant it genuinely Bakugo, I always did look up to you." He smiled and Bakugo sighed and chuckled.

"This is one hell of a time to be apologizing to you though." He laughed and Deku did as well.

The pair looked out the window, the villain was outside, getting increasingly angry by the second, destroying entire buildings in his annoyance.

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