(Arc 3) Chapter. 13 Alone

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"STOP IT!" Deku yelled as he ran toward the villain.

He skidded to a stop and activated his quirk to ten percent, green sparks began to surround him as he stared on.

One For All turned to him with a smirk and wiped a bit of soot off his jacket.

"So he arrives, the only person in this world even capable of standing toe to toe with me... Izuku Midoryia." All For One laughed as he crushed the camera in his hands.

He leapt down from the building and was face to face with Izuku.

The green-haired boy stared up at the villain, fear overwhelming him, but internally telling himself that he needed to be strong, for his friends, for the world... and for her.

He was clothed in his recently updated hero suit, clad with his new gloves made by Mai.

I can do this...

He clenched his fists and the rubber around his hands began to tighten.

He stared up at the villain, not flinching, the wind began to blow and his hair began to do so along with it.

The villain scoffed.

"So... you're him? This is the brat that Shigaraki can't kill? Pathetic." All For One spoke as he began to laugh.

He used one of his quirks and shot red and black colored mass at him, it was jagged and could pierce human skin easily, this being the same quirk he showed off against his former enemy All Might.

One for all... Full Cowling...

"Shoot Style!" Deku yelled and leapt up into to the air, dodging the attack.

He turned his head behind him and saw more coming, he bent his finger and launched himself backward using a gust of wind.

He landed on the ground and wasted no time. He began dodging more of them, using the buildings as walls to bounce off, dodging most of the attack easily, as he landed back on the ground, one grazed his face, blood began dripping from the wound soon after.

Deku payed no attention to it in favor of focusing on the villain once more.

All For One laughed out as his deformed face began to smirk.

"You can move quick kid, but other than that... You're even more worthless than him!" The villain laughed.

Deku meanwhile clenched his teeth in anger, but was taking deep breaths in an attempt to stay calm.

Relax Izuku, he's trying to get you to think irrationally and lash out due to my emotions.

Deku took a few deep breaths and activated his power once more, now to twenty percent.

"Not letting my words get to you? That's smart kid."

Deku took one final deep breath and wiped a bead of sweat that began falling down his face.

"I don't know if I have what it takes to win... but I'll do whatever I can to keep the ones I care about, and this world safe!" Deku yelled as he rushed forward with a right hook, reminiscent of how his bully would do.

The villain activated one of his quirks and expanded the muscle mass on his right arm to block the punch.

Isn't that Muscular's.... Deku began, but shook away the thought.

He brought up his right foot and kicked it into All For One's gut, but only got a slight grunt from the villain.

Deku leapt back and began punching the air, activating his quirk to thirty percent as he did so, sending the shockwave at the villain, only managing to slightly push him back.

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