(Arc 2) Chapter. 10 Training

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Later that afternoon...

"Man that hit the spot!" Deku stretched and tapped his stomach.

"I'm stuffed." He said with a sigh and turned to Uraraka who was laughing at him.

He shook his head with a smirk and the two began walking back to UA

Uraraka jogged a few paces ahead of her boyfriend and grinned to him.

"You seem to be in good spirits." Deku smiled and she nodded.

"Yep! I was just saved by my boyfriend after all, and I got a good meal as well!" She said happily and began skipping.

"I'm glad I actually get to eat my own meal and not have food thrown at me." She commented in a dry tone.

Deku fell silent and looked away.

"Yeah... honestly I may have just stormed the place the second they left... but the fact I wasn't nearly strong enough held back." He sighed and Uraraka stopped and looked to him the boy dropped his head and avoided eye contact.

"Izuku... you did amazing... you gave it your all, it's my fault for not being strong..." she frowned and picked his head up.

"You saved me Izuku... that's all that matters." She smiled and kissed him, his eyes widened and he kissed back.

She wiped her hair out of the way and deepened the kiss.

I won't... let you go... ever again...

He broke the kiss and looked forward.

"Let's give it our all ok?" He asked out of the blue and she was a bit off guard by the comment.

But she understood and raised her fist.

"Of course!" She nodded and the two began running back to the school.

"So, What's the plan?" She asked and he put his finger to his chin while the two continued to run.

"How about we just run for a bit?" He asked and she nodded, "Sounds good!"

The pair arrived home and changed, they threw on some athletic clothing and made their way out, they met up and ran from the school.

A lot of the students asked how they were doing along the way, but both Deku and Uraraka didn't give them much attention, they were to fixated on running with one another and gave one note answers.

They made it past the gates and began running around the city.

As they left two figures stared at them from the roof.

"Are you just gonna let them do that? After what they've been through?" A voice asked.

"Yeah, I am, they deserve some time to be happy Aizawa." Another voice spoke.

"Midoriya has 2 day off to mentally and physically recover, same with Uraraka, so, I say let them relax and have a bit of teenage fun." The voice spoke again
as he left the roof

"I can't with him sometimes." Aizawa spoke and rubbed his temples. He looked out to the distance and sighed.

"Honestly... I don't know if Midoriya understands what's coming..." Aizawa spoke and began walking through the door as well.

"-And that's how I met All Might." Deku spoke and Uraraka laughed.

"You acted like such a fanboy!" She laughed and Deku sighed.

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