(Arc 1) Chapter. 4 Confessions

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Thank you all so much for reading and for 200 reads! I hope u enjoy the chapter :)

It's been almost an hour since the two began preparing for their date

Deku emerged from his room with a smile on his face, he stretched his arms a bit to get used to the long sleeves he was wearing.

Deku wore a white and green striped polo and a green jacket on top, he tucked in his shirt before leaving his room.

I want to look somewhat presentable for this.

Deku smiled, he looked down at his outfit and laughed lightly.

"I didn't assume I'd be using an outfit like this ever, let alone for a date."

He made his way to the elevator and pushed the button, some music came on and he began lightly tapping his foot along to the beat.

He soon after reached the ground floor, the door opened and he walked out, he looked to his left and saw the rest of the boys chilling together playing smash bros ultimate on the flatscreen.

"Oh hey Midoriya, come chill with us!" Kirishima yelled over to him and he sighed.

I mean... I want to and that looks fun...

"I'd love to, but I got something to attend to." He admitted and grabbed his arm in embarrassment.

"Oh, and what would this be?" Kirishima asked curiously and Bakugo stood up.


"N-No nothing like that!" Deku frantically shook his arms.

"Then what are you-" Kirishima asked once again but Iida jabbed him in the side making him flinch.

"Owww what the!?"

"It doesn't matter what he's doing if he has a prior obligation just let him be," Todoroki spoke and then looked back to the tv.

I really need to thank those two later...

Deku sighed and sat down on a bench outside, knowing if the boys saw him waiting for her, they wouldn't let that go.

He pulled out his phone and texted her where he'd be and then sat back.

He put in his headphones and began lightly tapping his feet to the rhythm, the music seemed to make any issues in life just melt away.

He smiled to himself and lost himself in the music.


Uraraka ran around her room frantically in search of clothes for the date, she knew eventually she'd have the chance for this with Deku, so she had previously imagined a specific outfit for the occasion.

She frantically continued this and then eventually found each piece of clothing one by one, she sighed in relief and began putting her clothes on.

It was a "plus ultra." shirt with a green sweatshirt on top, it reminded her a lot of him, so she chose it, a blue skirt to bounce off well with the sweatshirt, and she tied her hair back to finish off the outfit

(AN: I know nothing about fashion so just roll with me XD )

She ran into the bathroom and sighed, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, "Perfect." She smirked and opened up her door.

As she opened it all the girls in her class stood waiting with smirks.

Mina was in the front and she had the biggest grin, bordering on being inhuman.

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