(Arc 3) Chapter. 18 Peace

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2 years later...

Time, time had passed, hero's have risen and hero's have fallen.

It's a time of change in the world, and a certain new hero is in the epicenter of it.

It's been around two years since the former symbol of peace had fallen, his hero... and his master.

He entered the apartment that he lived in, he threw his keys on the counter and walked to his bed and fell on top of it.

After a deep exhale, he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, all he saw was the darkness of the room.

He sighed to himself and sat up.

He reached his hand to the lamp beside his bed and turned it on.

After sitting up, he reached to his nightstand and pulled out one of his hero journals and flipped through it.

"I met Rumi today, she should be in here somewhere." He mumbled and continued to flip, until a slip of paper fell out of the journal.

Deku raised an eyebrow and picked it up, the paper was a certification to a fan club, but it was folded a few times.

The boy choked as he saw which hero it was for, he opened up the journal once more and saw that the page it fell out of, belonged to a certain hero.

"All Might..." he mumbled to himself and grew a smile, tears slipped out and he held the notebook close to his face.


It was the following day, the green haired hero walked the halls of the building he was currently working in, he never left his home town, and instead of going to a big hero agency like a majority of his class, he opted to stay small and join a brand new agency with an old friend.

He continued to walk down the halls and looked to his right, he stopped and noticed a portrait of the top ten hero's five years ago.

He stared at it for a moment with a smile and sighed to himself.

"I haven't let you down... All Might." He said proudly and continued his walk.

"Hey Izu- I mean Deku!" A blonde woman yelled as she ran down the hall to meet him.

"Oh, hey Melissa." He smiled and waved to her as she caught her breath.

"How are you?" She asked and he gave a small smile.

"I'm okay, just feeling a bit... sentimental." He spoke and looked back to the picture on the wall.

She took a step beside him and looked to it.

"Ah, I see what you mean." She said in a flat tone and put her hand on the shoulder of the boy.

"You okay?" She asked concerned and he nodded.

"I'm fine, I've just got big shoes to fill." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"He chose you Izuku, don't forget that." She stated and the boy nodded once more, opting not to give a verbal response.

"Anyway, follow me, I've got something to show you." She smiled and the boy nodded.

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