(Arc 3) Chapter. 15 Fall

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I see a lot of people getting confused when I said "snap." In the chapter... so I'm rewriting that section :)
Sorry for constant republishing... I just keep feeling the need to add more and improve it ...

ONE. HUNDRED. PERCENT!" Deku yelled as the earth shook beneath him, his green electric aura expanded even more and his hair stood upright becoming engulfed in a bright green outline.

Pink lines crept their way up his body as he ran, each step shaking the earth, his teeth clenched and his mind set, he kept increasing his power, running in pure emotion...

Until their was no shaking, no running, no green haired boy in sight... only a flash of green light and the sound of howling wind.

"Bring it on, I can handle all four of you at once!" All For One bellowed as he stomped on the ground, shattering the earth beneath the pressure.

A moment later Deku reappeared and landed a blow on a new barrier the villain had put up, shattering it instantly.

The villain gasped and threw his arms up to defend.

"Bakugou!" Deku yelled as he jumped backward, landing on the ground and panting as pain began to rise across his body.

"Got it nerd!" Bakugo yelled and landed his gauntlet on the head of the villain.

"EAT EXPLOSIONS ASSHOLE!" He yelled and launched it.

He was met by a fist slamming into his head, sending him careening backward in the air, only to be caught by Uraraka.

"Nice catch... round-face." Bakugo grinned and was met by a sigh.

"You're lucky Izuku likes you, otherwise I would've dropped you." She deadpanned and Bakugo smirked.

He was dropped onto the ground and looked forward to see her now floating to the villain.

She dropped to the ground and used her quirk on some of the rubble, now a barrage of dirt and rock surrounded her as she began running to the villain.

All For One chuckled at this display and put up a barrier to block it.

The girl growled angrily and picked up more rubble as she ran, but as she got closer, she saw a streak of green run beside her and smile to her for a moment, before slamming its leg into the barrier, breaking it.

Uraraka grinned as she took the chance to unleash the attack on the villain, managing to stagger him for a moment.

"All Might!" Uraraka yelled as she activated her quirk and began to float back to where Bakugo was resting.

All Might nodded and began charging forward with his fists cocked.

The villain regained his composure and grew a grin.

"Ah All Might... so nice to see you again." All For One greeted and the hero laughed.

"I wish I could say the same, my old nemesis, but this time, I won't let you go!" He yelled and jumped into the air.


Deku was panting and had his hands on his knees, but looked up to see All Might.

I-I gotta help!

He planted his feet into a sprinters stance and bursted forward.

I'll switch to sixty since it doesn't hurt me to use... then if things get dire....

"SMASHHH!" All Might bellowed and slammed his fist downward at the villain who caught the fist.

"All Might, it seems like your Detroit smash isn't looking as strong as it did before.." the villain taunted and All Might laughed.

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