(Arc 2) Chapter. 9 Together

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Hiatus over, lets go!

It's been 2 days since Deku had waken up from
his coma, his recovery after that went rather quickly and now he was able to leave the hospital.


"And don't get hurt like that again!" Recovery girl bellowed and hit the green-haired boy in the head.

"OW! Ok ok ok!" Deku rubbed the top of his head and walked out of his hospital room.

She's right though... I can't be so reckless and let my emotions get the better of me... these are a reminder of that...

He held up his arm and examined it.

The boy had multiple new scars on his body, the biggest of which was the huge gash on his head, now a scar right under his hair line.

But to him, those were symbolic of his success in getting back his lover, speaking of which.

"Deku!" His girlfriend yelled out and jumped into his arms, the boy caught her and the two exchanged a kiss.

He smiled and put her on the ground.

"I was in there for five minutes, miss me that much?" Deku joked and the brunette puffed her cheeks out and stood on her toes so she was on his level.

"Yep! And I can be as clingy as I want thank you." She pouted and hugged him again, keeping her grip tight.

"Alright Alright." Deku admitted defeat and smiled as he held her hand, the pair began to walk out of the hospital and the cold morning air hit their skin.

"This feels great, not being in a hospital bed anymore." Deku smiled and stretched.

"I bet, you were stuck in there for a few days." She agreed and the two looked up to the sky.

"Hey Deku?" She asked and he turned to her.

"Let's me a promise, lets both get stronger and protect one another." She smiled and he nodded.

"Alright, it's a promise." He agreed and clenched his fists.

"But, lets take it slow for a few days, I don't want to hurt my body any more than it was." He sighed and she nodded.

"Of course, this is good anyway since we both can spend time together!" She beamed and he looked at her again.

"What do you mean? I mean yeah that would be great, but we have school... right?" He asked and she pulled out a piece of paper.

"Nope! Since we both got hurt we're able to skip till we're physically able to do basic schooling again, to be honest I'm perfectly fine, but I want to skip a day or two to hang with you." She smiled and Deku looked up to the sky.

"You'd skip school for me?" He asked and she floated up into the air so he could see him.

"Of course dummy!" She pouted and Deku chuckled.

"I can't say no to that." He smiled and she beamed, she floated down into his arms and brought him into a kiss.

She broke apart and stared into his green eyes.

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