Out cast

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I was woken up by my mother. She has me get dressed, it was early, but I didn't dare to ask why.

She told me how much she loved me and that I'm going to be safer. She look me to a shuttle ship, she was giving me up? "Mom please. I don't understand, what did I do wrong?" I explained

I saw a tear roll down her face, anger rised in me. The doors shut and the shuttle went dark. There was two guards, both dressed in black. "Well I'm guessing I'm gonna be here a while." The guard to the left nodded. "What's you name? Or what would you like me to call you?" He turned around swiftly, "General Hux, and you are?" He held his hand out, "I'm Lea, pleasure to meet you." There was a silence.

"So do you have any idea what's going on? Or am I just gonna have to find out myself?" He was looking out of the window, "well we're taking you back home." He said in a stern voice, "Home?"

~First order base~
We arrived to a huge ship. It was all black, I mean I was kinda expecting that, "Stay close and don't wonder off" Hux said to me, the door opened, I followed after him, it was a big drop off for all space craft is what it looks like. We went into one of the many halls, I read the numbers on the walls, q-1334, we stopped there, he typed in a code I watched it was "2765" I remembered that.

"This is where you will be living" he said, there was two beds. Hux turned around to leave, "wait, what's the other bed for?" I asked, he turned back around, "oh that's your roommates, kylo ren. Oh I almost forgot you have a meeting with the supreme leader in one hour, there is dress robes in your closet that's all you can wear while you stay." He exited the room saying nothing else.

I decided since I guess this is where I'm living I might as well look around. I looked in the closet the only colors in there was black and red. The floor was black marble, it was all black becides the bathroom. I walked in and I looked through the cabinets, I found hair ties, a curling iron, a flat iron, and hairspray. The other had shampoo and basic needs.

Down the hall there was a kitchen, thats all I need to live I guess. I found a dress robe thing I wanted to wear

 I found a dress robe thing I wanted to wear

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And then I walked out for my meeting. I walked past a hall and saw a boy with black hair around my age walking the same way. He must be the kylo guy Hux was talking about. I continued walking as the boy was right behind me, we both came to the same door. "You can go first" I said he looked confused he opened the door "lady's first". I walking in and said in a sort of whisper "thanks" he winked. We both stood in the room waiting for someone to show.

 We both stood in the room waiting for someone to show

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We both looked at eachother. "So I'm assuming your kylo ren? My roommate?" I said trying to break the silence. " that would be me." He said putting a hand through his hair. "So where are you from?" He said "jakku, my parents sold me." I saw sympathy in him, "oh I'm sorry about that, I just ran away." He said I was going to say something but the door opened.

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