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kylos pov: I go back to command deck assuming that Leia will be there. I stop in my tracks I sense them again, and there their, "why is the force connecting us?" I ask, before Leia can say anything, the scavenger says "murderious snakes, your too late, its done, I found skywalker." she pleas. "did he tell you want happened?" I ask, she will turn against him once she knows the truth of how I became kylo ren, what drove me to the dark side. "the night I destroyed his temple, did he tell you why?" I ask walking to her. "I know everything I need to know about you." she says. "actually you don't." Leia says, she steps forward to her sister. "you think you know it all and you don't, we both just didn't decide we wanted this, we were driven too it, by adults who couldn't raise children. and look at you, you raised by your parents and look wha that got you. nothing." she's says with disgust. "you have that look in your eyes from the forest, when yo called me a monster." I say, "you are a monster. both of you." she says. "thats right and your just a scavenger." leia says, then not two seconds later I couldn't see them anymore, so I continued to the command deck.

leias pov: I could feel the scar on my stomach sting. I put my hand too it as I was walking to the command deck. I had my hand over the scar as it feels like its being ripped open. I get to command deck I see kylo had the same idea and is already me. "how much time do they have left?" I ask, "4 hours. they won't be long burning gas like this." kylo says to me. "excellent." I say tuning to leave, "do you want me to go with you?" he asks, "no I'm fine" I say as I leave. I feel my sisters presence but not kylos. this is strange. "what do you want from me?" I say turning around the corner only to reveal my sister. "I'm not doing this, and also why are you like this, were supposed to be good, where a team, I don't want to have to kill you." she says, "well I just feel a pull to the dark I feel as if its where I belong, and yeah sometimes there is a pull to the light, but even if I did turn no one would accept me, just get as far away from me and the first order as you can." I say turning around. "you don't belong there ad you know it. mom loved you she was trying to protect you." she said, I turn around and walk up too her, "thats a lie and you know it." I say with a finger in her face. she put her hand cupping my face, I felt something, another pull to the light. I looked at her, wait I think she is doing this, no I can't. I take her hand off, "d-dont touch me." I say crossing my arms and walking away. I look down while I'm walking, just thinking. Then all of the sudden I feel a sharp pain on my head. I go cold. I hit the ground, it goes all black.

kylos pov: I can't sense Leia anymore, it cant be anything bad, she's on the ship. "do you know where Leia is?" I ask one of the many people on the command deck. "no sir." he responds. "well can you send the troopers to find her and bring her too me?" I ask. "yes sir." he says. I go back to commanding, still can't get her off my mind. I feel her presence again but its leaving, I look out of the window, I can see a ship leave, its my fathers ship. My eyes widen, "quick shoot-" I begin to say then realize we can shoot it without killing her. Thats when I realize theres nothing I can do about it. Tears begin to appear in my eyes. she said she would be fine, and I had a feeling that that was a lie. My Breathing get heavy. I can see the ship returning, but a transport comes down. It Rey. I walk down to the loading dock where she landed to get her. I'm taking her to snoke. I have her cuffed and I take her to the elevator. "Tell me where Leia is!" I tell her as soon as the door closes. "I'm not telling you anything. but if you spare my life then I can help you get her back." she's says. "fine but you promise I will kill you if I don't get her back." I say right before the door opens.

Leias pov: my head is spinning. my eyes open, I'm on a ship I can see and were traveling at light speed. I turn on my side I can see chewwie and a resistance pilot. "w-where am I?" I barely say, trying to sit up, "oh your awake." he says coming up too me, he sits next to me and I scoot over, I feel drunk. I can barely see anything. "your on the falcon, were taking you home by request of general organa." he says. "and who are you?" I say. "oh sorry I'm poe dameron, and I didn't get your name." he says looking at me. "empress Leia ren." I say putting my hand out for him to shake. I'm just trying to get back. he shakes it, "and what about your real name." he says. I hesitate. "its lea solo." I say taking bens last name. "so your married?" he says lifting his eyebrow. "well not nessisarily I never knew my last name so I just use his." I explain, this guy is generally okay. "oh okay. so were going to an old base on Hoth and I need you to help me set up the programmers, okay?", "fine, wheres my lightsaber?" I say looking around for it. "you can have it back if you can promise me one thing." he says. "okay what is it." I ask. "don't use it against anyone with the resistance while your here, got it?" he asks me I nod. he goes to get it. "and why am I hear again." I ask. "well general organa didn't want you to be in the way of her son and Rey and snoke." he says. well I guess that generally makes since. we land on Hoth. "really Hoth?" I say getting out looking upon the rebel base. "I've been here before." I said. "say thats great, we need to get these on for when the resistance gets here." he says. wait so if there coming here then that means they cant take there cruisor so they must be taking the pods. there tricking the first order, should I tell kylo?

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