The resistance base

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leias pov: I get ahold of the ship and set a rout to Hoth, its not to far away but is far enough. I'm going to be staying there for a week and hopefully find a resistance base, or something involving them. i arrived to Hoth and landed on a moutian time thing, it blends in with my ship so its great. I take a look outside and the steam from the ship gathers up, I turn on my saber and clears the path, I close up the ship and go to look around.

 I take a look outside and the steam from the ship gathers up, I turn on my saber and clears the path, I close up the ship and go to look around

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I find a what appears to be a abandoned base, I go inside, slowly, listening for any noise at all. so far I have nothing, it looks like was just fled from. I open a cabinet, theres files. I look through al of them. I come across a plan to take down are new star killer base that we haven't even built yet, how would they have the plans? then I find plans for their own weapon they call "resistance blaster DH-17" hmm interesting, I put the plans in my bag. I continued to look around, I found a list of most wanted, it was a long list eventually came to "ben solo" I knew that was kylo. then not much far down there was mine. im wanted? ha I would like them to try and catch me. there is a stair case I was about to go on it but I herd a loud noise, so I fled the base. running for my life.

Kylos pov: I can sense fear in her, I look at my compass and it seems she's on Hoth. I'm gonna try and talk to her. I go to sit on her bed, it smelled just like her, I star to meditate, trying to find the strength of the force to find her, I see her, she's running, "Leia!" I say, she stops in her tracks, she turns around only to find me, "what do you want?" she says, I can hear the hurt in her voice, " I just wanted to make sure you were okay, please come home." I say, she looks at me. "trust me I want too, but I'm trying to help us, I found out the resistance knows about the star killer base." she says, that sentence gave me the chills. how. " What?!" I say standing up, "but I also have there weapon plans so were on a even note." she says with that signature grin. then I hear a shooting noise, and she's gone. that sent me into a panic.

leias pov: I hear gun shots and Kylo is gone, I start to run, to my ship, I can sense that he knows where I am so I have to go, I get onto the ship, and run to the front, and start it and leave with a flash, next stop, Tatooine.

Kylos pov: I can sense her leaving, she's heading to Tatooine, thats where the rebel base is, she will try and attack ad they will kill her. I have to stop her before she does. I though I could wait till she gets back but not seeing her is killing me, and I don't want her to never return, I know I haven't known her long but it feels like I've known her for years, I can't let her go. this is all my fault and I'm going to set things right. I am so mad at myself for this, I stomp around till I find my hover case, I pack my clothes and most of the things I will need, as soon as I was packed i walked as fast as I could because I needed to get their before they do. I see a trooper "get my ship" I say still walking. I was about to break down in tears, I got to the loading dock and my ship was suprsingly already their. I got on as fast as possible and started it and left at light speed, yes I am risking my life for her but I need to keep her safe, as soon as I was in the galaxy I felt tears fall, I can't do this anymore, I need to see her, she's hurt and its because of me.

leias pov: I landed on the sandy planet of Tatooine, I feel so bad for ever leaving now, but I mean I found some useful knowledge. I opened the door to the ship, ahh fresh air for once. I wonder what Kylo is doing.. I should try and see him, why do I sense him on air craft? "kylo" is say behind him, he turns around. "your okay?" he says, I'm a little confused. "why wouldn't I be?" I ask, he looks just as surprised as I am. "nevermind, where are you?" he asks, I look around, "can't you see my surroundings?" I ask because I can see his, " no I can't, why? can you see mine?" he says, I nod. "why are you on a ship?" he looks me up in down, "well I decided to rescue you." my eyes narrowed at him " no I think I can handle-" I felt a sharp pain in my back like a sting, then I was out.

Kylos pov: something happened and I know its not good. she wouldnet just leave like that, I believe she was taken by the Resistance, but there not going to have her for long, thats for damn sure. I put the ships speed on full blast as I am In desperate need to get her home.

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