Genaral Leia ren

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General Hux enters the room alone with another cloaked figure. I look at kylo nervously, he seems calm about this, all though it is really hard to tell when he is a whole foot taller than me. the cloaked man started to speak. "you shall call me master. you two were specialy picked out for the new genarals of the first order. this is a big responsibility and you will be trained, and Lea your new name is Leia ren" he said I looked up at kylo, I herd a voice in my head.

"that name suits you" I here, I know its him.

"how are you in my head?"

"cause we can't talk right now so this is the only way we can communicate."

"okay well we need to pay attention before were killed."

we gain are focus back

"your next meeting is tomorrow 6am sharp." Hux says and leaves the room with the cloaked man.

I look at kylo, "well I guess we should go back to are room." I said walking towards the door. "we could talk and get to know each other a little bit more, since were gonna live here in all." he says. I guess I don't have any other option than to agree. "well how long have you been here?" I said trying to start a conversation. " I just got here and I saw you did too." I was admiring him "I really love you hair it really suits you." I said, " wow someones flirty" he says trying to embarrass me, "maybe, maybe not you never know." that was the only thing I had left to say so I tried to be dramatic and walk out, he grabbed my wrist and twirled me into a hug, "guess I'm not the flirty one now." I say smirking. " he has a thinking expression across his face, "maybe, maybe not" he says mocking me. We both head out, I felt shy infant of him now I don really know why exactly either. "you like me" he says, wow he read my mind. "what?! no-no I don't!" I said and playfully pushed him.

stop reading my mind kylo. I voiced to him wow so you figured it out? and now you can't keep anything from me so stop trying. he voiced back as we were walking, I flashed him a smile that slowly faded as we walked down the hall. we reached the room I put in the coad and the door slid open, I went inside ad went to my closet and got some sweats and a tank top, I quickly changed and went to are kitchen I somehow synced he was about to shut the door to the bathroom and I stopped it, "what are you doing?" he said with his head sticking out of the bathroom, "well I was gonna ask what you wanted to eat" I said, he rolled his eyes, "just make whatever, but don't you dare give me blue milk on or with anything." he said shutting the door, I made a mental note, he hates blue milk.

a couple minutes past while he was in the shower, I made some macaroni cause nothing else looked or seeming appealing. after it was done I put equal portions in a bowl and state it on the table, I started eating mine because I haven't ate anything that day, about 2 minutes later he walked out in only sweats shirtless, I almost spit out my juice. he turned around "what is this just too much to Handle for you?" I knocked that expression off my face " I don't know what your talking about" I say clearly lying, he looks at his food, "wow I've only known you for a day and you guessed my favorite." he said pulling out a chair, that made me smile. I finished way before him and I went to get up, "where are you going?" he said in a sort of winy voice. "to go to sleep? why were you admiring how pretty I am?" I said trying to be cocky. "yeah I am actually, so sit your ass back down." he said tending back to his food. he really is trying to make me fall for him isn't he.

I sat there staring off, but in the corner of my eye I could see him staring at me, I went to turn around and he turned his head. I got curious so I tried to search his mind, see what he was thinking, I found some memories, it was a person, he looked like a Jedi, kylo was sleeping, he pulled out his blue saber, he tried to strike him but he woke up, it was Luke Skywalker, his master. Then he I saw him killing someone, he said in his head, " i can't hurt her like I hurt everyone else I know I just met her but I feel something and I don't know what, I just can let her go." I tear rolled down his pale cheek, he quickly wiped it up before he noticed I noticed.

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