The rescue

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Leias pov: I wake up in cold sweat, I'm in a cell, I go to reach for my lightsaber, its gone. my heart dropped. I go up to the bars. "I command your to let me out this instance!" I say, one of the rebel scum members come up to the cell. "sorry this isn't the first order, no one takes orders from you here." they try to walk away, I use the force "you will unlock the cell and walk away" there attention comes to me "I will unlock the cell and walk away" they go for the cell, I can't believe it actually worked. As soon as they left, I took a run for it, "damnit my lightsaber" I say to myself, I try to sense my crystal, it is farther away from me then I thought, I started to walk down a hall when I herd some foot steps and talking, I quickly hid in a unused room, once they passed I went back in the hall and took a run for it. I came to a wall. I stood there for a minute, catching my breath I look around the corner, no one. I just walk the hall thinking all is well when I someone trips me, I look behind me. Its the whole resistance, "was that really nessisary?" I ask the rebel, they point a gun to my head. "yep this is why need to go home." I say to myself. they stand me up and take me somewhere else. I see Kylos mom. "Leia" I say under my breath, I bow to her since she is a princess, all respect to her she is the birth giver to the person I love. "what are you doing here?" she asks. "I was trying to get away from your son" I say, "you know my son?" she asks, "yeah were both generals of the first order, trust me I would be here if I had the choice." I say knowing I'm just trying to get out of here. "where is my son? do you know?" she asks. she's really acting like she's gonna get him back. "yeah he's heading the way right now." I say, "wait what? why?" I roll my eyes "he thinks he needs to save me so he's just being the person he is and stepping into things he shouldn't." I say, I look around for a minute, I see my saber but act like I don't.

Kylos pov: I land and run out of the ship, I have to get her before its too late, hell I probably am to Late but I'm still going to bring her home. I come to the doors and I can since my mother and Leia. I walk through the halls like I own the place any one who tried to get in my way I killed them, I was in it all for her, the girl I love. I find a office I feel her presence, I walk in, I see my mother and Leia, she has handcuffs on, I see her lightsaber on the side I grab it with the force and I grab Leia by the hand, I shot my mom a look then left, we were running as fast as possible down the hall ways, we both fell down to the ground, I saw her face hit the ground I looked at her as she looked at me, "were going through this together" I wispered. clearly she heard me, "always" she whispered back. she started crying, "ill come back for you I promise" I said as they stood me up. we were almost out. we were so close. yet again if I just had self control this wouldn't have happened. I was put in a separate cell but I would see her. and in thats moment is when I realized that I still had the lightsaber, I went to get it but a guard passed by so I just played it off as if I was just fixing my shirt. I saw she was looking at me, I pointed to her saber so she could see it. I unlocked the cell with the force then went and did hers, "wait wheres yours" she said "fuck" I said, I could sense it near, I found it, "okay lets go" I say, we walk out with no problem this time, but that means that we have to run back to our ships. there was a sand storm going on, we finally made it back to my ship, as soon as the door closed, I looked into her eyes and so id she, she ran into my arms for a hug, I was kinda gonna do something else but this is fine.

 there was a sand storm going on, we finally made it back to my ship, as soon as the door closed, I looked into her eyes and so id she, she ran into my arms for a hug, I was kinda gonna do something else but this is fine

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I don't want to let go, it seems like I haven't seen her in weeks, it's only been a day. I should confess my love to her, but I feel like it's too early. I would give up anything to spend the rest of my life with her. I break the hug (didn't want to) so I could fly us back home, after it was already on its way I put it in auto pilot. I see her sitting on a couch thing. I sit down next to her and put my arms around her, "I though I lost you.." I said, she turns to hug me back, "you will never lose me, that's a promise." She says, those words ment everything to me.

Leias pov: I feel so safe once again, even though he scared me. I know that's not the real him. I want to tell him the truth about my feelings for him but I feel like it's too early. On the rebels base I felt like I was alone again, how it was on jakku. I wonder how he felt, I go to search his mind, I see that he was crying. Wow he cries I didn't know that. "I just don't cry around you" he says, "stop reading my mind or I will take your ass back to the Resistance." I threaten. "Ok I'll stop. I'm not basically cuddled up in his lap, he is playing with my hair, that's is so soothing, I remember my mother used to do that, it helps me sleep.

Kylos pov: she fell asleep in my arms, I felt like I will never let go, she is so tiny, but also a good cuddler

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Kylos pov: she fell asleep in my arms, I felt like I will never let go, she is so tiny, but also a good cuddler. Something goes off in the front of the ship. I get up out of the seat without waking her up (thank god) and went to see what it was, it was the rebels. I ran back over to Leia "hey wake up, we have company, they tracked us apparently and I need you to get rid of them." I said, she was barely awake. "Oh- ok" she said while walking to the blasters. I went back up to the front trying to find are base.

Leias pov: I'm barely awake, I'm heading over to the blaster so I can get rid of the x-wings. I sit down "great here we go again." I say to myslef, I take one out on my first shot, I miss the other and it's hits our ship, I can feel the sweat building up on my palms, "okay I can do this" I say I hit one causeing damage, they go down. "Okay 3 more you got this" I continue to talk to myself, the ship is still shifting, my god he can't fly for anything. " I easily take out the other two, This one keeps moving, I keep my focus, and I hit it, but it's still up? It hits are ship, causeing little damage, I strike him down. "That was a close one" I say wiping the sweat from my forehead.
I go back to the front to find him still cruising the ship, he turns around, I'm guessing he felt my presence. "How did you do that" he asks, he looks amazied. "Honestly I have no idea." I saw while sitting in the co-pilot seat. We found are base and we are home, I look at him in his eyes, he's so Beautiful and kind and strong. I just want him to be mine.

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