Darth mauls granddaughter

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This takes place 2-3 months after the wedding, she's about 7-8 months pregnant. She got a haircut it's now to her shoulders, herself, Rey and Ben are training to become better jedis then they already are.

Reys pov: I put the blind helmet on as so does Lea and Ben, I can hear all of our sabers come out. The battle droid comes around and starts shooting at us, it hits my arm, I hear continuous "ow" sounds, I can sense it's every move, I start to get the hang of it. "Where is the damn thing?!" Ben says, I can hear his feet shuffling around, "right in front of you dumb ass" Lea teases, it shoots him. "Yeah I know that now." He says sarcastically. I hear a small crash, I take off my helmet to see Leas lightsaber through the battle droid on a tree. She takes her helmet off. "What was that?" Ben says, Lea rolls her eyes and takes off his helmet and brushes his hair out of his face, then points to the droid. Lea gets into a running pose, then runs towards the tree, somehow runs up the tree, grabs her saber and flips back to the ground. She is full of surprises, "alright next station." I say running into the bushes to the x-wings.

Bens pov: I get inside the x-wing, Look back and See R2-D2 as my droid pilot. I close off the cockpit and turn on the compressors taking off into the sky to the training corse. R2 makes some noises, I barely make it out as, "good too see you Ben" or something of that sort, I don't really speak droid. "Good to see you too R2" I say. I can see Rey and Lea all catching up, "alright gold leader, red leader, are you online?" I say forgetting which one is which. "Yes purple leader." They say, I don't know why my mother gave me purple, I think she's trying to embarrass me. I run a hand through my hair and start to head for the corse. I look in the distance and see meteors, "there's meteors ahead pull back." I say taking a short cut around the corse. It's basically just avoiding meteors and small planets, simple for me. "Everyone still online?" I ask. I get a bunch of beeps from R2, "yes i know your online R2 I'm talking about Gold and red leader." I say, "yes we're both online purple leader, stay on corse for landing." Rey says while we arrive back on base. I land my X-wing, before getting out I let R2-D2 out, I unhitch the cockpit and climb out to see Lea and Rey have already done that, to be honest sometimes I can't tell the difference between the two.

Leas pov: I take my helmet off, I run a hand through my soft hair, I can feel the sweat from my forehead, I wipe it off with the back of my hand. "Alright who's ready to take out these droids?" I say hearing the shoots being fired. "Ready when you are." Rey says, Ben gives me a wink so I'm assuming that's a yes, I take out my lightsaber and start to spring off into the woods, I can hear there foot steps linger behind me. I feel the baby kick, I run my hand over my stomach trying to ease the baby down. I slow my pace down, I brush the leaves from my face showing the fleet of old battle droids. Ben and Rey come up from behind me, "so this is what your mom planned?" I say. "I guess so." He says I look behind him, he acts like he didn't know in the first place, I step on a branch. It makes a cackle, I turn back to see the whole droid army facing our way, "oh oops. This can't be good." They start to shoot at us, I emerge from the bushes and start to fend away the blasts, I swing back and forth, some of the shots shooting back and taking out the droids. This is easier than I thought it would be.  I look back too see that Ben and Rey are doing the same. I hear another lightsaber being turned on, I look behind me to see that Ben and Rey sensed it too. I walk around, looking at my surroundings just as Ben and Rey are doing, a walk around the corner only to show a woman with a lightsaber, a red lightsaber. I shoot back behind the wall, I put my arm out for them to stay back. "whos that." Rey says, "someone sith, I thought they were gone, I guess we were al wrong." I say walking backwards away from the woman. "ah lea, ive been trying to find you, the sith want you and Ben dead. I think I should be the one to do the deed." she says then grins, I look back at Ben, he nods. I get behind them, I get my commlink out from my pocket. "hello, its commander solo, there is a unknown sith on the training grounds, we need backup! get general organa!" I say in a yell wisper type thing. I put my commlink back in my pocket and draw my saber out. I walk infront of them, ben goes to grab my wrist, I force push him back. I know what has to be done. "look you look fairly young, I was once you, I though that was where I belonged, its not go back home. go home to your family im sure they miss you." I say putting my lightsaber back. " I am empress maul, I will not back down from my mission, traitor. you will never be as powerful as me!" she hisses , I turn my lightsaber back on, I sense the rest of the resistance backing us up. "we will see." I say grinning. the rest of the resitance builds up behind me, "you still want to take us?" I say with a Daring look on my face. she looks around too see she is surrounded. she back flips into the bushes away. "thats what I thought." I say turning around. general organa emerges from the cloud to me and Ben. "you too need to go under cover on Naboo now, we are relocating now, once packed meet at central base for instructions." she then leaves without hearing an answer. I look at ben the start to run to the room, I look through all of our dressers, I pack my clothes in a suit case really fast, as soon as I'm done I had already forgot what I put in. Ben has also finished packing, I took my bag and rushed out to central base, I stand with the rest of the crowd. "as you may know a Sith leader has been spotted on base, we are going to evacuate,  they are after Ben and Lea so we are sending them to Naboo to a safe house till further notice." 

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