Battle of Exogal

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bens pov: i put the lightsabers I found on the table, I sit down with the rest of the guys. "were basically walking right into our death." I hear poe say. "well its so no one else will die so its for a good porous." I say, "I guess you right." Finn says. I go and walk to the cockpit where Rey and Lea are, I overhear there conversation. "he's so smart and caring its like when you have an instinct the your gonna be okay, thats the feeling I get around him, like this is where I'm meant to be and I love him w-" I wrap my arms around her from behind, "I love you too mrs.solo."I say, she turns and looks up with a wide smile, "I know." she says back, she also knows that is what my father used o say so that makes me happy that she remembers. I go back to my seat to go see what they were playing. Its looks like some sort of chess... I can only imagine whats going to happen in my head, the worse thing that could happen is someone dying. I just don't know if I can take any more losses at this point.

Leas pov: I sit in the co pilot seat, I feel empty, I feel alone even though I know that everyone I here for me. I look down at my stomach, I want to give him a better life than I had and ill make sure of that. she ship crash lands, I nearly fall out of my seat , "really Hans ship have you not learned how to land yet?" I say getting backup. "its a big ass ship did you expect me to land it perfectly?" she says back. "okay whatever we need to find this wayfinder. I walk out of the ship and thats when the fresh breeze hits my face, it feel good to be outside again. I look around till I spot his ship in the water, i start to walk to it, I don't even say anything, I stand on the edge looking at it, thinking of all the times I had to walk through there. I look around for a way to get over there, ook over at the speeders, "don't even" poe says to me, I turn around I look at ben we both smile and head for the speeders, Rey follows along as well, I get inside the speeder, Ben getting on the other side, I can see that Rey had gotten in her own, I start up the speeder, I look over at ben who is already looking at me I flash him a smile, then I start to steer the speeder to the water, there definitely harder to drive than ships. The water hits the boat and then hits my face, I can taste the salt, its not as bad as I expected, my hair is now soaked and dripping down my back, the waves are only getting stronger I don't know how long this is going to last.

Bens pov: I look over and see her, she looks so perfect, the wave keep spashing us I haven't ever seen her so graceful its like everything is in slow motion, I can see her pointing infant of her, theres a big wave that we can't possibly make, I start trying to turn it another way, its too late, the ship goes under water, I struggle to get my out of the ship and swim back to surface, "LEA?!" I scream wiping the hair from my face, I look under the water, she's not there, I come back up, "Lea!?" I say again, "I'm right here" she says swimming to me, I let out a sigh. "I thought you couldn't swim." I say. She looks at me funny. "Since when?" She says. I guess I've never seen her swim before. I look past her and see Rey getting to the ship, I point to her, "cmon we gotta catch up." I say, we both swim to the land, our cloths now soaked. When I got to the land I started to ring out my shirt, while lea just walked right in. That woman is full of wonders. I quickly follow after, I see her down the hall way with her sister. I walk over there with my hair and cloths still dripping. I get to them. "Okay what's the plan?" I say pushing my hair back with one hand. "Well I've seen it before I think it's in snokes quarters." Lea said. I nod my head and put my hand forward. "Lead the way captain." I say. She gives me a smirk then a cute lil eye roll. She starts walking and I Follow behind. I know this ship like the back of my hand.

Leas pov: i start to walk around trying to figure out where the hell i am in the first place. We walk around for a while before I get to snokes quarters. His dead body reeks. I continue to look around for it, every inch and square. I come across a cabinet that won't budge. I take out my lightsaber and cut the damn door off. I fling it across the room. There it is, I pull it out and hold it in front of us all. "This is the key to our success." I say. "Alright let's go." Ray says, I turn around to leave when I hear a lightsaber behind me. I turn around no one is there but me, and I see my old self I look evil. She takes out her saber and goes at me, she passes through my body, I fall to the ground. I hear a voice in my head. "Kill Ben solo." I hear and my mind is agreeing? I look down at myslef and I see that I have my old lightsaber and my old outfit. I was a whole other person. I walked out of the room and saw him on the ground, I took my lightsaber out, I wasent even doing this someone was controlling me. He looked scared, I just started to go at him, he blocked every single hit. He's not trying to fight back. But I still keep fighting. "LEA ITS ME!" He pleas while our sabers almost collide with his face. I can see the pain in his eyes I want to say something but I can't find the words to speak.

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