Cold War

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kylos pov: i was noticed that the traitor, Han Solo, the wookie and Rey are wandering the castle. I go on the bridge to the other Side. "ben!" I hear a familiar voice call. "Han Solo, I've been waiting for this day for a long time." I say, I can see every one looking at us. he walks towards me. "take off that mask you don't need it." he says, "and what do you think you will see when I do" I ask, "the face of my son." he says, I do as he wishes. "your son is dead. he was keep and foolish like his father, so I destroyed him." I said. "its not to late." he says. "I'm in pain and I know what I have too do but I don't have the strength to do it, will you help me?" I say, he agrees. I take out my lightsaber, and he puts his hand to it. I turn it on and it goes through him. "thanks" I say, then push him over. I can hear the screams of Rey and chewy.

Leias pov: I walk in and see kylo and his dad, he killed him. I put my hand over my mouth. I know he hated him, but I didn't know he would take it to the extreme. he pushes him over, I hear that wookie cry out, he shoots kylo. "no!" I say running to him, I get shot in the leg, I fall down. I get back up and limp back too him. "are you alright?" I say with my bloody hand on his. "don't be worried about me, look at yourself." he says standing up, he helps me up, I can see my scavenger sister go out the door with NF-2187. "cmon we have to stop them." say helping and supporting us both to get outside. The cold air hits my face, we make it to the woods, I turn my lightsaber on. kylo does the same .

"Where are you?" I say, I point over in the other direction with FN-2187, I go after my sister

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"Where are you?" I say, I point over in the other direction with FN-2187, I go after my sister. I hear another lightsaber, I look around. It's blue, oh no. She has a lightsaber that can't be good. "Come with me, we don't have to fight, join us we can rule together!" I say trying to save a fight. She looks down at my leg that's bleeding. "I will never join you!" she says going to hit me, I block and hit back, she blocks also. "huh your pretty good at this." I say striking again, "you will never be as strong as me, I will always win, I can show you the way of the dark side, take my hand." I say putting my hand out, she trys to hit my hand with her lightsaber, I pull back, "wow angry much?" I say, I keep striking her till she has no where to go, I have my lightsaber almost at her face, but hers is keeping me from it. "scavenger." I whisper, she force pushes me off and strikes up I block up but then she strikes down and slashes my stomach. I drop my saber with my hand on my stomach I look at my hand, it all bloody. I look back up at her. "I hate you" I say. I can see her eyes start to water. "yeah I hate Leia ren. but I miss lea." she says she goes to hit at me one more time. I look away knowing this is the end, I hear it slamming down, but something is stopping her. I look up and I can barley see, but I see two figures, is that? it Kylo, he just saved my life.  It all goes black I can only hear lightsaber noises barley.

Kylos pov: I give all I have trying to hurt her, for all I know she could have killed her, I keep hitting with all the strength I have left. "you will pay for what you just did." I say she climbs up some rocks, I quickly follow her, I have her on the edge, I'm about to push her over, she's doing something, she trips me, she hits my arm with the lightsaber, she kicks me down. I look help less, I get up and grab her arms forcing her saber down, she strikes my face. she jumps to the other side as the earth separates. she runs away, I get up and get to Leia, I drop down to her, " hey Leia, stay awake, I'm here your going to be alright. I pick her up, I hear foot steps, I hold my lightsaber out while holding her.

 I pick her up, I hear foot steps, I hold my lightsaber out while holding her

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Thats when I realise it just storm troopers. "what do you want?" I say, I look at my hand its all bloody from holding her wound. "the planet is about to explode you need to get on this ship now!" they say helping us to the ship. they take her to the emergency care room. I just hope she is alright. They take me to a separate room. "ill find you again." I whisper to her before I leave.

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