force bond

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Leias pov: I quickly stand up. "Rey" I say under my breath. I roll my eyes and sit back down, I put my hand on my forehead. "see didnt I tell you, I tried to leave her out and yet again she gets involved!" I enrage. I start breathing hard, I quickly stand up, take out my lightsaber and destroy the control panels. I turn back around, kylos eyes are wide and the storm trooper try to back away, I pull him to me with the force till he is nearly face to face, "anything else" I say with sweat rolling down my face. "n-no ma'am" I hear them struggle to say. I drop them to the ground. we get a transmission. "tell the first order that Han Solo has the droid on the millennium falcon" I look to kylo knowing the hatred he has for that man. Hux comes in, "Supreme leader snoke has requested you two." he says, I start heading for the door. "great" I say under my breath.

                                                          ~supreme leader snokes quarters~

kylos pov: Leia, Hux and myself all bow down before snoke, he says, "The droid will soon be delivered to the resistance, leading them to the last Jedi, if Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise" he says, I go to say something when Hux says "supreme leader I take full responsibly" snoke cuts him off, "general! our strategy must change." he says, "the weapon is ready sir, I believe the time has come to use it, we will destroy the government that supports the Resistance, the republic. without there friends to protect them the resistance will be weak, and we will stop them before they reach Skywalker." I say. I can sense that he may be thinking this is a good idea. He dismisses hux, when he leaves, snoke says. "Their has been an awakening, have you felt it?" he says I look at Leia then back to snoke, "yes" we both say at the same time, I can hear it Ecco through the room. "as you may know the droid is in hands of your father, Han Solo." he says directly too me. "he means nothing too me." I say back "this is your biggest test, for the both of you" he says. "I won't fail." I say. "I would never betray you my lord." Leia says with her head down. "we shall see." he says then disappears.

Leias pov: me and kylo both get up and turn to leave. "we shall see my ass, ill kill him before then." I say, kylo looks at me. "okay that actually a good idea, we could kill him then get your sister to join us, then we could become supreme leader." he says as we walk out. "perfect." I say with a grin under my mask. we walk back to the command room. I take a seat, as soon as I sit down someone else comes up too me, "sorry to disturb you empress but they have found the driod on Alderaan." I turn around, I can see that kylo turned too, "get my ship ready and get the troops loaded." I say. "yes ma'am right away ma'am." she says. I go to kylo, "if we can't get the droid then we need my sister, she saw it. I can sense it." I say looking up. we head over to our ship, we get on, along with two storm troopers for guards. This time they are flying is there. I sit back next too kylo, his hand in mine. " I love you" I say putting my head on his shoulder. "I love you too." he said kissing me on my forehead. Then all of the sudden I see all of these memories but from a 3rd person view, it was my mom putting me onto the shuttle, "NO!" I said going up to her throwing everything I had at her, then she was gone, I herd my sisters voice, I turned around there was me and her playing, then me getting taken away. "Rey?" I said under mu breath I went to get myself away from the guard but then he vanished, then that when I saw Rey with Luke skywalkers lightsaber in hand. And thats when I came back to reality, I was breathing heavily. "woah woah are you okay" kylo says with both his hands on my shoulders. "its Rey, she has Lukes lightsaber." I say. "how do you know." he says. " I saw her. we have a force bond, and I think the force is calling too her now."

(sorry for the short chapter, I will be updating this story tommarrow I can't right now because my computer locks me out its kinda like screen time so yeah ill give you all about 3-4 chapters tomorrow)

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