Un (1) ~ Coucou

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" I just, I just miss your accent and your friends
Do you know I still talk to them? "
~ Cherry, Harry Styles

(Present day)

"Good morning Harlan, Marta"
Antoinette Gauthier's life was simple. She was in fact, a very simple woman. She worked with countless of employees for Harlan Thrombey, but more than a chef and assistant to his nurse, she was one of his greatest friends— no, scrap that, she was family to him. As he was to her. After working from eight to six, staying later on special occasions, she worked an early night shift in an internship at the local hospital as a family physician, a job Harlan also got her. After that, get home at 12 am, try to not think about the boy that broke her heart and head to bed. Pretty simple.

The few countless moments her life would turn lightly hard was when she missed her family back in France. Or when the whole Thrombey clan came through for whatever occasion. It was mildly intolerable. Between the immigration talks that just made her and Marta more uncomfortable, how some made fun of her accent and when she's caught the little teenage boy staring at her in a morbid way. Evenings turned from mildly to extra hard when she had to interact with Harlan's older grandson, Hugh. They had a little incident that one night after spending time together and getting closer. Since then, he makes her feel so small around him.

On the other hand, Hugh's life, well, Ransom's life was really simple for being such a complex character. His days were based on spending money, doing reckless things in which he spent more money and avoid thinking about that french girl that was part of the help at his grandpa's house. He had a crush since he first landed her eyes on her. He felt drawn to her. He liked her soft french accent that popped on certain words, and how tiny and scrawny she looked next to him. He adored how her plump lips fit perfectly on his. Unfortunately, all Ransom knew was how to play women. So as you might know, he blew his chances. And he regretted it every day since. He couldn't stop thinking about her and that hot summer night.

"Are you craving anything today?" Antoinette peaked in from the balcony door, where Marta and Harlan sat, drinking their morning beverages.

"What do you have in mind?" Marta turned to her, her head leaned to a side "I see a bag there" Marta's expression made Antoinette chuckled, as it resembled a failed attempt of a mischievous smirk. Marta was a very kind woman, and Antoinette couldn't be happier to have someone to work alongside with.

"Well, this family I worked with earlier this week sent me a gluten and lactose free vegetarian recipe for waffles. They were kind enough to also send all the ingredients and toppings" The interest she spotted in both of their eyes made her involuntary smile, the small dimples forming in her cheeks.

"Sounds lovely, Elle. I would like mine with syrup and whipped cream" Harlan looked up from his paper to give her a smile. "Me too!" Marta said from her cup.

"Coming right up!" Antoinette smiled brightly, as she turned around and took a step forward but something was interfering her way. She looked up to see Ransom's blue eyes looking down right at her.

'Oh no' Antoinette thought as she audibly gulped "Good morning Hugh. I-I'm sorry, I was in your way" She apologized, avoiding to look at him straight in the eyes.

Somewhere in Ransom's cold ice heart, it ached to watch her being to fearful to him. "Good morning to you too, croissant" He spoke sarcastically, adding that to the list of all the nicknames he had for the girl standing in front of him. "I heard waffles. Be a dolly and make me a stack. Don't be shy with the Nutella"

"You know, if you want her to like you, you should be a little less tough on her" Harlan commented, not looking up from his most recent read as Ransom walked in and Antoinette walked towards the kitchen.

That took him off guard, like a cold slap in the face "Excuse me?"

As a writer, Harlan had a good eye for details in characters. It was undeniable the attraction his grandson felt towards the employee. He's seen him looking at her differently than anyone in the house does. Also, he saw them kissing the 4th of July "I know why you're here. There's no way in hell you've come here all this way to say hello. Give us a moment Marta" Marta took the command immediately and left to assist Antoinette on the kitchen.

"What do you know?" Ransom sat in front of Harlan, both looking seriously at each other.

"I see how you look at Elle. You like her. You've came here for help" Harlan sipped on his coffee.

"And that was just a guess?" Ransom said, his mouth slightly agape. 'Was it that obvious?' He thought, getting comfortable in the seat.

"No. I've seen how you look at her. Wrote it down, by the way. Really pure feelings. Surprisingly, I expected it from you. Not so soon, of course. Also, she told me everything. You're a real jackass" He recognized. Ransom only nodded, looking down in embarrassment "You have a chance. If you stop terrifying her and learn how to apologize, of course. " He recommended, as Marta and Antoinette walked in, plates in hand.

"We had a bunch of stuff, so I brought everything over here" Antoinette said, her accent sounding stronger as it did when she was excited, or pissed off.
"These are my new healthy recipe and these are the regular ones. I made of both because I didn't know what Hugh wanted" She looked over at him for a split second and he nodded. "Thank you"

Those two words made the world stop dead in its tracks. Even the dogs went silent. Everyone turned to Ransom, surprised. He never said thank you to anyone of the help. If he did, it was only to annoy his family or the person.

"You're welcome?" Antoinette said, a little estranged by that action. And the look on his eyes. Oh God. It was the 4th of July all over again.

"What are you doing?" Harlan asked when he noticed both girls taking their food and preparing to leave "We always have breakfast together, I'm pretty sure our guest won't mind if you stay?" The three looked over at Ransom, who shrugged in response, giving them a small "I don't mind"

"Are you still coming to the dinner party tonight?" Harlan asked, looking up from his paper. He caught his grandchild staring at Antoinette. Ransom admired her rosy cheeks and nose, how her eyes were icy cold as the crisp air of the upcoming fall sneaked in.

"Huh?" He cleared his throat "Of course. What did mom do this time?" Most of the parties were to celebrate Linda's achievements or any other birthday.

"Her company is growing! We have to celebrate, you should also know by now that your family is really fond with parties" Harlan smiled "Elle, could you whip out dinner tonight? I was thinking Italian?"

"Of course Harlan, I'll have to go buy some of the ingredients still" She cleared her throat, finishing her small stack of pancakes and sipping her dark coffee.

"Ransom, dear. Would you mind taking her to the grocery store?" As her boss pronounced those words, Antoinette's eyes widened.

"I'll be my pleasure" He commented calmly, trying to not snicker on her panicked expression

'Fuck' She thought, smiling but her eyes displayed out panic still.

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