Seize (16) ~ Inconveniences

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"Are you sure you want to travel?" Antoinette asked Ransom. He looked pale and his eyes lacked charisma as well did his smile.

"Yeah, I am totally fine" Ransom stated, starting to sit up from the bed, a wave of nausea stopping him right away. By his reaction, Antoinette's first instinct was grab the trashcan from it's spot in the corner across the room and set it next to his side of the bed.

He instantly leaned over, throwing his breakfast up. As he did so, Antoinette rubbed his back soothingly, humming to calm him over after he was done, breathing deeply.

"Did you take your flu shot last week like I advised you to?" The woman asked softly, still sounding a little threatening, taking his temperature. Ransom looked away, avoiding her disappointing looks when an answer found itself absent and the thermometer indicated unusually high temperatures . "Well that's a comforting answer. You have the flu" She turned around, tapping around her phone.

Her tone bothered Ransom, who shifted uncomfortably in his spot in the bed. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled, trying to make the situation a little less worse.

"Well you should be!" Her usually soft accent French became thicker as her voice raised up a little. Antoinette turned around. She looked furious.

"It isn't my fault—" Ransom sat up a little too quickly, not caring. Things like these usually never happen, Antoinette is such a sweet person, she has never fought with him. This was probably a first in this new era of their relationship and Ransom was too stubborn to back down from a fight, even when he knew he's everything but right

"It totally is! You are my boyfriend, not my kid! I don't have to baby you around all the time!" Antoinette's voice raised up a little higher, her face flushing with anger.

"I don't even see what is the big deal about this! What if I travel sick? What if we stay? It's all the same shit—" Ransom matched up to her level, more than mad, he was confused. Why was she behaving like this?

"To you. It's all the same shit to you" Antoinette spat out, making Ransom freeze in his spot. She wasn't the person who would blame something to either of them, just accept it as both their faults.

"First of all, do you know how many people die a year because of the flu because they cannot afford treatment? And you want to run around like a headless chicken with the flu? That's incredibly irresponsible, just like the fact you didn't make an effort to get your flu shot!" Antoinette continued, sounding exasperated.

Ransom opened his mouth but was interrupted as his first breath came out "Oh, shut up! Don't you dare try to blame it on me again!"

"Second of all, I miss my family! You are so ungrateful, you get to see yours every other weekend and still, you refuse to do so nevertheless while I haven't seen mine in two years" Her voice lowered down, as tears collected in the bottom rim on her crystal blue eyes and a knot forming in her throat started taking away her breath "Two long years without my mom and my dad and my siblings. Do you know how hard it is to take vacations on a hospital? Everything is ruined. It simply isn't fair" Her voice broke at the end, a single tear spilling over.

"I-I'm sorry. I need to go to the hospital. I'll get you meds and uh... I'll have to reorder my shifts. Drink a lot of water" And without any other words, the small woman left the room, looking smaller than ever.

Ransom huffed angrily, not admitting his garbage decisions. "Whatever. I'm irresponsible? I planned everything for that fucking trip. Ungrateful my ass" He hissed to himself, crossing his arms angrily. 

As he cooled off from the fight, his eyes widened in realization. "Shit" Ransom spoke out loud. He couldn't propose if she was in the mood. He couldn't propose without her family there. After all that trouble he went through to get her whole family's blessing? It was all fucked up. The more he thought about it, the sicker he felt. So he bent over once again to throw up on the trashcan next to him. "I am a serious piece of shit" He mumbled.

Antoinette sat down in the car for about 20 minutes, crying but reflecting about the situation. Come on, pull yourself together Anne" She told herself, gripping tightly onto the steering wheel, reaching in to clean her own tears.

Antoinette had two options; leave for France in that instance, thus ending her relationship with Hugh once again or call her family, apologize, try to set another reunion date and spend her favorite holiday at home. The first one was calling her; she missed the weather, the roaring green fields, the cookies the service lady always made them, her brother bothering her like she bothered the rest of her sisters. But Ransom just learned to turn on a stove, but maybe it was enough for him. Soup wasn't so complicated to make.

"Ah fuck it" She jumped out of the car, went inside the home quickly, grabbed the bag that stood next to the door and drove away.

Ransom's mouth was dry, it felt hollow. He wanted to get up but it was so cold and his body was hurting him, apart from the recurrent nausea. The illness and the guilt that kept consuming his mind defeated him so he fell into a deep slumber.

The only time he could recall waking up was probably in the middle of the night. It was snowing, the fireplace in the room had small but comforting flames dancing around. The disorder in the room has disappeared, and his nightstand had Gatorade, water and other meds. He felt a needle into his hand.

His eyes drifted to the person sitting in a chair, book in hand. Antoinette noticed his weak eyes set on her "Go back to sleep, honey. It's late" He could hear, but still it was distant "I'll take care of you, don't worry"

— — —
A/N: Hello everyone!! I haven't updated in a while and this angst isn't ideal, but not everything can be la vie en rose, ya know? I guess I'll be more active now with social distancing and having a lots of time to kill. Stay safe out there and wash your hands!! x

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