Dix-Huit (18) ~ How I met your mother

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A/N: Italics mean flashbacks

" And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Take me back to the night we met"
~ The night we met, Lord Huron

Quickly, Ransom took the box and got on his knees in front of her, opening the box, making the woman in front of him gasp "Antoinette, you make me the happiest person on earth. I still can't believe, of all people, you chose me. You are kind, thoughtful, a little temperamental but incredibly smart. I seriously don't deserve you, but somehow you look past my countless flaws and accept me no matter what, and that has also made me do the same. You are a treasure, and I simply can't just let you go" Ransom started to tear up, but Antoinette was far into a river of tears herself.

He chuckled before continuing "Hell, I even met your parents and your sister Diana helped me get this ring, and I called the rest of your siblings for their blessing, all this without you knowing because I just wanted everything to be perfect and I know how important your family is to you. I know mine is far from perfect and I don't have much of a relationship with them but I can't simply overlook the one you have with yours. You have me on my knees, actually crying. I'm asking you once more, the falling snow and the shining moon outside as my witnesses, would you marry me?"

A busy Antoinette ran around the kitchen, helping to get everything set. It was Easter, even thought she considered the holiday to be of relaxation and reflection, her new boss, Harlan, was having his family over for the first time since he hired her and Marta.

Antoinette felt anxious when she heard cars pulling over in the rocky driveway.

"What if they don't like my food?" She turned anxiously to Marta, who was just there grabbing a glass of water.

"Antoinette, I've eaten a lot of food, but yours is beyond heavenly. I'm sure they will like it" Marta gave the girl a reassuring smile before leaving the space.

Antoinette was an anxious person. Leaving her family behind to come finish her studies to the other side of the pond was a big stress and it just became bigger when she was accepted into an internship and a part time job in the house of a millionaire. Besides, she wasn't very much prepared to face a racist, sexist, misogynistic family, as Fran had described them.

With the help of the catering, the table was set. Antoinette walked back inside the kitchen, to crash into a tall, muscular body.

"Watch your step! Damn... The help keeps getting dumber and dumber..." A voice complained above her.

"Excuse me?!" Antoinette snapped back, taking off the wet apron. Her counterpart looked down at her and smirked. Hugh had to admit she was really cute. There was something about her that called him, he wondered if it was her bright eyes or plump lips or maybe the seriousness in her face.

"You've been excused, let me guess, Swedish?" The unknown man said, still looking smug, standing by the door.

"I'm French..." Antoinette mumbled, feeling intimidated. Ransom Drysdale smirked, pleased with her reaction. By noticing this, Antoinette frowned deeply upon him.

"Ooh, she's from France... And I'm guessing not from Versailles, it's not likely... Maybe you grew up with the rat from Ratatouille or better, Moulin Rouge seems more your style" Ransom kept on teasing, making her blood boil.

'I'm gonna get myself fucking fired at this point' Antoinette took a deep breath "Are you calling me a prostitute?! No to either of those but you know what seems very much likely? That I grew up to be smarter than you could ever—"

Before Ransom could return an insult, a teen walked in, holding a cigarette in between her lips. "Oh for God's sake Ransom, stop bothering her. You're a fucking dickhead. Get out!" She started to push him out, he looked not pleased with the outcome of the mild fight that went on. He glared at her, which she returned with crossed arms.

"I'm sorry for him. He's the worst of us. Want some?" The teenage girl took out the cigarette box, opening and offering some.

"I promised myself I will quit after leaving home but one won't kill me" Antoinette shrugged, placing it between her lips and allowing her to light it. "I'm Antoinette Gauthier. Harlan's newest cook"

"And the best so far. That garlic bread was something to die for!" The girl exclaimed, making a Antoinette smile before taking a puff "I'm Meghan. Or just Meg. I like your accent!"

"Thank you" Antoinette smiled brightly, taking another puff off the cigarette, hating herself for thinking about the handsome man who treated her like shit two minutes ago, not knowing that down in the living room, the man sat on a chair, alone, thinking of her as well.

"Yes." Antoinette whispered between tears "Of course I'll marry you. There's nothing I want more..." She nodded, giving him a teary smile

Ransom slipped the ring into her finger before wrapping her arms around her as they held each other under the moonlight and the dying fire on the fireplace.

"God, why do you keep bothering me, Hugh?! At this point it's not even funny. I have never done anything to you!" A frustrated Antoinette set down a towel and turned towards Ransom, who had an unreadable expression on his face

"Because I like you!" Ransom answered back, making them both stop dead in their tracks.

"What?" Antoinette muttered, looking at Ransom as if he was a madman. "Don't joke about that. Even if you weren't kidding, you have the most absurd way of showing it" She tapped her finger repeatedly on his chest in an accusatory manner.

"Maybe I don't" Ransom defended his point, showing himself indifferent about the lack of space between them.

"How—" Not even allowing her to finish, Ransom crashed her lips with hers. Antoinette's response to the kiss was almost immediate, even scaring herself a little with the force she was kissing back.

Their first kiss was a little rough, full of passion and lust, with the right amount of love to make it all perfect.

"I love you. So much" Ransom was the first one to say it.

Antoinette broke away the hug, cupping his face with her hands "I love you too. And believe it or not, I am so lucky to have you" She whispered before kissing him, just like the first time. In both scenarios, they both knew it wasn't going to be the last time.

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