Sept (7) ~ Love is

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A/N: I made a playlist for this since it helps me in my creative process. Some songs are in here already but a few have not made the cut yet. So If anyone here has Spotify, the bar code thingy is up there!!
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" It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on Earth with you"
~ Video Games, Lana Del Rey

Ransom was in love. Or at least he thought he was. What else could he call love? He felt his stomach tickle, his breath hitch and his smile widen when he was around her.

Antoinette didn't know what she felt. It was love, but she didn't want to admit so. She didn't want to fall in the same trap she fell in last time. It was a strange feeling of love, but at its 50%, to call some numbers out. But what else was she suppose to feel when Ransom picked her up at work, made clear he was interested in what she was doing, made her sweet gifts and was genuinely concerned about her wellbeing?

All their doubts were answered when Antoinette answered the door and stood in front of Ransom. They were going out on a date. Like, an official one. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt layered with a navy jacket, a pair of nice pants and shoes. The whole suit screamed the fact it was made with the finest Armani fabrics. He tried his best on the occasion, trying to forget his resentment to the collar wrapping his neck. On his hands, a beautiful flower arrangement rested, with her favorite flowers, carnations and orchids, in it. That was an unusual but nice surprise.

Antoinette's cheeks flushed when she realized. 'He made an effort to impress me' She thought, smiling up at him. Ransom's smile went from flirty to adoring, as he examined the woman in front of him. Antoinette was wearing a red dress. It was the fanciest piece of clothing she owned and only used for special occasions. She held an equally expensive pashmina in her hand, deciding to show a little confidence and not wear it unless it was totally necessary, the element being accompanied by a clutch where she kept her belongings.

"Well... now I can see that you do clean up nicely" Antoinette commented with a smile. Ransom just chuckled and looked down, trying to hide the light blush that spread across his face rapidly. "You look... stunning" He admitted, looking into her eyes.

"I got you these. I didn't get a vase because I remember you told me that your favorite vase was empty" Ransom spoke, giving the flowers out to her. Her eyes tinkled in the dimmed lights as her smile widened. "I'll go place them in" Antoinette gave him a nod and disappeared into her small but cozy apartment, Ransom heard the scrambling from the kitchen and watched her emerge back into sight when the noise stoped.

"Shall we?" Ransom asked, extending his arm out to her. Antoinette nodded "Yes, we shall" and hooked herself onto him, closing the door behind her.

Antoinette hopped on the passenger's seat, thanking Ransom when he opened the door to her. "You're being such a gentleman, I'm really impressed" She commented quietly, looking over at him as he started the car.

"Anything for my girl" Ransom observed Antoinette. He never got tired of seeing her reactions to things he said; her flushed cheeks, her shiny eyes and enthusiastic smile. 'My girl' Antoinette repeated on her mind like a broken cassette, a goofy smile settling permanently on her face while they drove. In the comfortable silence, Antoinette noticed maybe, she needed to be more welcoming towards her feelings. So the love scale went up to a 75% when Ransom sneaked his hand under hers to then silently intertwine their fingers together for the rest of a seemingly long trip.

Neither had the courage to look at each other, face to face, in that particular moment but they didn't need their eyes to meet for them to know they felt the same. It was the same soft, overwhelming feeling they shared for each other. Soon, Ransom pulled over in front of a restaurant. Antoinette's eyes widened while she looked back at him. It was the finest international cuisine in the state, but also the most expensive.

"When you said fancy, I never thought you'd pull of something like this" Antoinette admitted, facing him, her voice giving off her surprise as it sounded breathless.

Ransom was pleased with her expression. He just limited to give a warm smile and comforting circles he drew constantly on her palm with his thumb. "Let's go. I don't want to be late for our reservation" He smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheek before letting go reluctantly of her grip.

Before Antoinette could even consider opening the door, Ransom had opened it. "Merci" She spoke in French, just to bother him, not knowing how much he appreciated her silky accent.

For the first time, Antoinette didn't care about the whispering surrounding the pair. She didn't feel out of place or as an invader in the lavish place that they found themselves in. She felt opulent, like she belonged there with all the rich folks, hooked into Ransom's arms, her delicate hand resting on his bicep and under his adoring shimmering eyes.

The night was different that any night together they've spent before. Ransom often found himself wondering if that was how a relationship feels like, because it felt good. It felt really good. After the exquisite dinner, they found themselves watching the stars on a park in the city they were currently at.

"Why'd you do it?" Antoinette spoke, her eyes overflowing with melancholy

"Do what?" Ransom frowned. He had honestly done so much. Not good things. And to a lot of people.

"Hurt me."

Ransom's mouth felt dry, it was an unexpected question he never thought he'll get asked other than in nightmares. He glanced to his side, watching how Antoinette's mouth went into a fine line, her eyes suddenly looked empty as she pronounced those words.

"Because I really liked you. Not as a hookup, not as a friend with benefits. And I didn't know how to express it. So I did what I do best" Ransom spoke slowly, trying to measure the weight of his words on his own heart. It took him time to admit such thing, he never said it out loud but the moment was there, right in front of him so he could do so.

"Y-you liked me?" She turned her head to face his way. Antoinette thought she was just another number in his body count. Something he could hold against her in the future. It was something surreal that her heard longed.

"I still do" He commented quietly, putting his sincere thoughts out there. "You're incredible. I don't care if you're fucking poor comparing to me. You make me so damn happy... you, you make me feel"

Even before Antoinette placed her small hand on his cheek and kissed him for the first time in a while, she knew it was love. She was in love.

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