Trois (3) ~ Cooking and whatnot

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" Les rêves des amoreaux son comme le bon vin
ils donnent de la joie au bien du chargin"
(The dreams of lovers are like good wine.
they bring joy but also sorrow)
~ Le Festin (The Feast), Camille

After Ransom dropped Antoinette off back at Harlan's place, he left somewhere else. Ransom felt the need to organize all his thoughts and make every attempt of winning her back worth everything.

Antoinette picked her hair up in a ponytail so she instantly start working on the task for tonight. Cooking for the Thrombeys as a whole was an extreme sport; stressful, makes you sweat, cry and regret every decision you ever made. Or at least that's how it felt for her. The woman was talented, there was no way in denying such thing, but the way they behaved while eating and their totally unnecessary critiques made her doubt everything she's ever cooked. Maybe that's why she only took being a cook as a side job and not a profession as mostly everyone that tried her food recommended and persuaded.

Perhaps it was her whole family taught her how to cook. Her father taught her an area, her mum another and her grandmother did another as well. It was all these experiences introduced on one mind. Her older brother gave her tips from things he learned with time. They all recognized the potential and placed extra effort in that. It wasn't ideal that after all those lessons, Antoinette decided to do medicine, but after all, she still made everyone proud.

Around 5 o'clock, she finished the plates she was assigned, just as a car pulled over. "Meg's here. And Harlan needs you in his office" Marta announced, peaking in the somehow clean kitchen but chuckling at the sight of her friend, wearing a now dirty apron that read "My kitchen, my rules" that Harlan wore back in the day.

"I'll be there in a second" She nodded, giving half a smile and taking the apron off after finishing to wash her hands.

Walking out of the kitchen, Antoinette hummed a tune. Meg, who stood nearby the door, recognized it immediately "Are you singing the song from 'Ratatouille'?" She asked, stopping Antoinette dead in her tracks from the surprise. Meg was a very fun, charming person, no matter to who you were, so befriending both Marta and Antoinette was not an issue for her; after all, Meg recognized how nice and calming both were.

"Mon Dieu! Don't scare me like that again!" She reprimanded to the teen standing in front of her. "But hey!"

"Hi" Meg pulled Antoinette in for a warm hug. "How you've been? The house smells delicious, have you been doing something?"

"In fact yes, I made the main course and dessert. I'm really hopeful you guys will like it" Antoinette spoke, gaining a small frown from Meg.

"Trust me, everyone loves your food. They just like to mess around, as always" Meg consoled her friend, giving her a reassuring smile.

"What are you doing here so early? The dinner party starts at 7" Antoinette checked the clock the hospital gave her for duties.

A devilishly smile spread across Meg's face "A friend of mine, super rich kid, is opening a club downtown. And I don't recall ever seeing you on a night out. So I was thinking... maybe we could go?" The skepticism didn't waste it's time on settling on Antoinette's face "Oh c'mon don't look at me like that! You've already met my friends, everything is going to be fun! Trust me!" Meg pleaded "C'mom Anne, you deserve a night out! Plus, I behave really well when we went out that one night in France"

Antoinette had to admit Meg was perhaps her second greatest friend. She accompanied her on one of her visits to France, since she wanted to meet the country Antoinette talked so much about. They had a blast, and she had to admit she knew how to keep herself together when it came to alcohol and other things.

"Fine..." Antoinette sighed, avoiding to smile when Meg's eyes lit up "I'll think about it! Don't get your hopes up. Pardon me for a second" She excused herself from her side and walking off to Harlan's office

"Mission report" Harlan spoke humorously without even looking up from what he was doing. All she could do was smile slightly.

"Well, I took your orders and we sorted things out. It was very relieving after all" She spoke, her voice expressing content. He looked up at her and smile, giving her a nod "Also, Meg told me about this th—"

"You can go. I heard the conversation, it's very true you haven't had fun in a while, kid. If you come back late you know we have spare room" His smile turned even more sympathetic as hers turned brighter.

"Thank you so much! I promise you I won't be late!" She giggled like a school girl. Antoinette made her way to the living room where her friend sat and stood in front of her with a bright smile.

"That's a cute smile... wait... is this a yes?!" Meg shot up from the couch. Antoinette just limited to nod in excited. "Yes! We are going to have so much fun!" Meg squealed, pulling Antoinette into a tight hug, which she happily returned.

— — —
A/N: hi!! so this is sort of a filler, i realized that if I added everything here it would be too long plus, most part of the chapter wouldn't make sense with the song I was going to place.
thank you for reading!!

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