Vingt-deux (22) ~ Love is a Polaroid

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" I am a headcase
I am the color of boom
And you are the opera
Always on time and in tune
And I am the color of boom "
~ Polaroid, Imagine Dragons

Ransom Drysdale was far from being perfect. He was reckless, rude and an overall asshole. Tormenting his family from the day he pulled his first tantrum and disappointing them ever since.

Antoinette Gauthier stood near to perfection. She was calm, collected, sweet and overall helpful. Making her family proud from the day she made the decision it was time for her to grow up, overcoming her older siblings in taking that decision.

Most people thought Ransom Drysdale was going to marry (if they even thought he did) a leggy blonde who would love his money as much as the next guy, someone as imperfect as him. Still, everyone agreed that the petite brunette he married looked so much better walking down the alley.

This was the most unlikely pair in history to the outside world, but anyone who knew them enough could notice how much better they made each other.

After Antoinette, Ransom was still an asshole, but was more thoughtful about his words and more helpful towards everyone, seeming once antipathetic to become a cold but attentive person. Everyday with her inspired him to be much better, as he kept on repeating she deserved better than the jackass he showed himself to be.

After Ransom, Antoinette was still the collected, sweet woman she grew up to be, but now she was more excited and thrilled about life, something she might not have felt since high school, and that wasn't the best of times for her. He brought sparkle and emotion to what was before a very regular life.

"Ransom, babe! I'm home" Antoinette called out, a deep silence answering her. She took off her coat and shoes, set her purse aside before rushing up the stairs, concerned.

She took her time to admire the modern architecture their house had and how it gleamed under the purple sunlight. She sighed at the familiar smell of flowers, as she always changed the base on the coffee table and maintained a scent diffuser on at all times. She looked around at the mess of toys and just sighed, half smiling and picking up everything gladly, setting them aside on their corresponding box

"Hugh... What happened to the house?" Antoinette gasped, looking around. Going from modern to more homey, she smiled. It was around on 8 months pregnant that Ransom decided he had to make the home safer, as all the cristal vases and tables weren't going to be safe for his children.

"I had to turn it more childrenproof" Ransom sighed, wiping a drop of paint from his cheek, that persisted to stay there. Antoinette walked the stairs carefully and approached him, cleaning away effectively the spot. "Do you like it?"

"I love it" She smiled, getting on her tip toes to give him a short peck "It feels even more like home now..."

She sighed, full of melancholy while going up the stairs and to their room, to find her husband with their two year old babies asleep on his arms.

"There's two of them?" Ransom asked breathlessly to the doctor who was doing the screening, watching two little things move around the screen, almost unrecognizable as humans.

"I told you it was a possibility, my grandma has a twin" Antoinette said, analyzing her husband's expressions

"I thought you wanted to scare me!" He cried out

Ransom opened his eye at the presence of his wife and smiled instantly "Come cuddle with us" He whispered, watching as her smile grew bigger.

Antoinette smiled and laid down in bed, taking one of the babies in her arms. "How was it today?" It was a surprise for everyone in the Thrombey family when they were informed Ransom was the one taking care of the children while Antoinette went to work. They laughed it out, but seeing that the novice parents stayed totally serious, they went confused. Hugh Drysdale? A stay at home dad? It was something extraterrestrial. But surprisingly, he made it work perfectly.

"Well I finally learned how to make a ponytail! I didn't take your brother's suggestion about doing it with a vacuum" He whispered, Antoinette's stiffed laughter making him smile wider "Liv was very pleased with the results. Elio, on the other hand, kept bothering her and trying to touch her hair. He's so curious"

The twins, Elio and Olivia, were every parent's dream. Both regularly calm for their very young age, although Elio sometimes liked to pester his sister a little, nothing to bad; just sibling love. While Olivia resembled Ransom the most, Elio was just like his mother.

"That's good. I'm really glad it's finally Friday" Antoinette sighed, holding Elio close and cuddling closer to her husband.

Even though their big differences, moments like these ruled their lives, making everything peaceful and comfortable; maybe this was the 'American Dream' people so famously talked about on a daily, this construct without a clear definition took shape in their relationship.

"I wouldn't change this for anything" Ransom sighed, kissing his wife's forehead while they watched the sky in its gorgeous coloring as night approached. "I'm never gonna leave this bed"

— — —
A/N: And that concludes Polaroid! I'm really nostalgic now, listening to this chapter's song. Thank you so much for reading my sad impulsive midnight thought of writing this book. I really hope you enjoyed!
I couldn't be thankful enough.
If you guys would like to check out anything else from my writing, I have 'The Lovechild' which is basically the story of my Original Character that's the daughter of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Hope to see you there!

polaroid. (h. ransom drysdale) |UNDER REVISION|Where stories live. Discover now