Dix-Neuf (19) ~ Days of the future past

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A/N: Italics mean flashbacks!

" Too many joyrides in daddy's jaguar
Too many white lies and white lines
Super rich kids with nothing but loose ends
Super rich kids with nothing but fake friends "
~ Super Rich Kids, Frank Ocean

" Too many joyrides in daddy's jaguar Too many white lies and white lines Super rich kids with nothing but loose ends Super rich kids with nothing but fake friends " ~ Super Rich Kids, Frank Ocean

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" What about you Anne? I'm sure you'll make something out of it" Louis Gauthier turned to his sister, who leaned up against a library shelf along with others, who were ditching class like they did.  It wasn't something Antoinette always did, on the contrary. Lately, she had been feeling moody, making her act more recklessly and bratty at school, letting herself be guided from the horrible example her brother was "You're the best of us, honestly"

"Me? Nah" Young Antoinette huffed, grabbing a xanax pill and chewing on it as if it was a mint. "I'm sure I'll be a doctor. But I doubt I'll get married or anything" She heard complaints around the room, disagreeing and telling her how beautiful she is, and anyone would be lucky to have her. Of course, she knew. She just didn't see she'll find anyone who would be her "real love", her "soulmate", it just sounded so far off.

"I know what I want to be!" Louis laughed, putting down the blunt for a second. "Drug dealer!"

Antoinette didn't know why she was laughing, but she was way too high off her ass to even care. If everyone else in the room was doing it, why didn't she do it as well?

"Babe, we're here" Antoinette shook Ransom softly. He halted up from his seat, looking around, confused.

He had fallen asleep as they crossed the greens the French countryside offered and had woken up in a luxurious neighborhood; the houses were huge and on their porches luxury or expensive vintage cars, most of them Ransom could name. As he walked out of the car, very confused, the saline air hit his nostrils, unclogging them. "You live here?" Was all he could speak out

"Lived. This is my childhood home" Antoinette smiled. "Let's go inside! We'll get our luggage later!"

Antoinette came from a rich family. A rich family that made their way from bellow the ground to a house on a hill in Côte D'Azur. Because they knew what being really, really poor was, Antoinette's parents didn't want their kids to be spoiled and bratty more than they should be, raising them from a young age to be aware that after they turn 18, they won't get any financial support so it's them against the world. They did literally everything that the Thrombey's couldn't do.

They also kept their status very hidden, making anonymous donations to not make a reputation for their children. All the riches suddenly explained how Antoinette got him expensive gifts, the designer tags, how she became Chuck Bass's friend so easily and the expensive, exquisite decor.

Antoinette got out the keys for the house, opening it quickly. Ransom tried to contain his surprise as he stepped in. "Wait for me here... Maman!" Her voice faded as she walked away from the room she had left him in. Ransom's mouth went agape once again when his eyes landed at the family painting in front of him, it looked like Renaissance painting, somehow resembling the infamous "Las Meninas" that stood so graciously in the Prado Museum. All of them were wearing formal clothing, the two men in the family in notoriously expensive suits, and the women wearing long and fancy designer dresses. They all looked like porcelain dolls, pale and delicate but somehow different from each other. The two men looked intimidating and strong. Aside from them, he noticed four other women, not counting in his girlfriend.

When he snapped out of his thoughts, he heard a lot of clamoring from down the hall. Ransom sighed as he looked around the room, appreciating the tall ceilings. It was... simply incredible. Something else for the eye of the mortal. He reached in to grab some pictures that were close to the fireplace. He half smiled back at the picture, where 5 kids sat in the grass, wearing the same school uniform. He noticed the younger version of his fiancée smiled brightly and ferociously. From the few stories he's heard, Antoinette was much different as a teen as she was now and the photo just proved that. His smile grew while his head titled aside, a little confused.

"Aw you kids look very nice! Finally, all my babies in one school" Idalia Gauthier smiled, looking up from her camera to face her five children, relaxed, sitting in the grass of their backyard while breathing in the ocean breeze.

"Yeah but our dear champ here doesn't look very decent smoking a blunt" Alexander Gauthier took away the blunt from his eldest son, putting it out immediately. By his indignation all his siblings laughed. Antoinette let out a shallow breath and fitted her school blazer correctly to hide the morphine patches.

Doing drugs wasn't something she was proud of, but hey, so far she wasn't addicted. Sometimes she just needed to relax, a lot was going on; at home, at school. Her sister being sick was something she wasn't thrilled of, too.

Mr. Gauthier was sometimes a tough man, hardworking, wise. His wife, on the contrary, was really sweet but still very hardworking and even wiser.

"Oh you guys shut up— dad!" He protested like a literal child, even though he was 18.

"You're with your sisters, for god's sake! And Jeanne can't inhale any of that!"

"I'm fine dad, don't worry" The previously mentioned mumbled, a little embarrassed, pulling down the beanie hat she always wore due to hair loss.

"Pardon Jean" Louis nodded solemnly, giving her half a smile "Next time just tell me if it bothers you okay?"

"Can we also do that daddy?" Diana asked, looking up at her father, who nodded, not seeing a problem "Okay. Henri's fashion sense bothers me!"

Henrietta Gauthier sat up and gasped, indignation across her features while her siblings laughed at Diana's antics. The scene was picture perfect, so their mother made it one. After that, they protested "No pictures!", not knowing they will cherish that one the most.

"Babe!" A voice made him snap out of his thoughts. He stood in front of three unknown women and a man. He recognized them from the painting. Even in real life they didn't loose any class. "These are my siblings! Louis-" He pointed to the boy. Sharp jawline, cold blue eyes but a warm, toothless smile made Ransom feel comfortable. He signaled him as a way to express they were cool "-Henrietta-" She continued, pointing to a woman who seemed very much determined, that kept observing him with the same sharp, pointed look Louis gave him when he turned around. Comparing to the other women, she seemed a little less delicate, with a not so incredible sense of fashion "-Jeanne-" Antoinette pointed to blonde girl, that leaned on her arm and shied away when Ransom set her eyes on her. She looked a lot more like Antoinette than the rest, but was very pale and small "Last but not least—"

"Aw c'mon here!" Diana extended her arms out, asking for a hug. Ransom chuckled and walked towards her, leaning down to give her a tight hug.

"Thank you, everything went perfect" He whispered in her ear, making her smile.

"Aw you're welcome" She laughed, squeezing his cheek and patting his arm, to be surprised by the amount of muscle "Damn, you work out?" She gasped, making the other chuckle at her antics.

"Guys, this is my fiancée. Hugh" Antoinette smiled. Ransom smiled back at her, not caring about all the looks he was receiving from part of her family. All he needed was her and just her.

"Who is most likely to get married first?" One of their friends asked. Louis, Antoinette and Diana went there. Jeanne was too sick to go and Henrietta couldn't care less, she had other things to do.

"Hum... Diana, for sure" Antoinette commented, declining a pill of her favorite drug, she didn't want to go back home as high as the Empire State. It was her turn to drive anyways and they were using they took their dad's precious Jaguar. Even at 16, it was common for people their class to be using illicit substances.

All the other teenagers in the room agreed to this. Diana was a very driven woman, but set in her serious goals in life. She had all her life planned out already. At 15.

"Aw Anne, you totally got potential to be third married! Don't worry!" Diana laughed, taking a swig of the expensive wine bottle.

"Sure thing" Antoinette rolled her eyes, not believing her and accepting a sip of a martini. True love wasn't something in her vocabulary.

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